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Scene 11: The camera pans to Joan and Aaron's bedroom as Joan quietly walks in practically tip-toeing to not wake Aaron. Joan is seen putting her clutch down near her handbag rack and walking into her closet. Aaron is seen stirring in bed having a nightmare. 

Visual of Aaron's Nightmare Is Seen: We see Aaron and Joan arguing in their vehicle on a rainy night. Aaron's anger is elevated and he is banging his hand on the steering wheel. We can hear some partial parts of the argument. Joan is seen crying and raising her voice telling Aarong she is tired of the fights and arguments. The last words we hear coming from Joan are "I'm done! I'm just done!" At that moment, we see the stop sign in front of their car. They continue to argue in inaudible words. Aaron does not come to a complete stop as Joan is still raising her voice. A car comes barrelling into the driver's side of Aaron's car.

Joan runs out of the closet in her bathrobe and she continues to see Aaron stirring and wincing in his sleep. Joan lies next to Aaron and holds him tight trying to take his pain away somehow. 

Joan: (spooning Aaron and holding tight) Baby, it's Ok... I'm here.

Aaron: (wakes up startled - turns to Joan - still half asleep) Oh! Hey, baby. I'm sorry. I must've been having a bad dream. Glad you made it home safe. (rubs his head) Did Karolyn have fun?

Joan: (sits up) Yeah. She went straight to bed. (moves close to Aaron and holds him) Baby, your nightmares are happening again...

Aaron: (tries to sit up as Joan still holds him) Yeah, I'm sorry. I wish I had better control of them, but they just won't stop happening. (begins to have visible signs of anxiety) I don't want to talk about it.

Joan: (apologetic) I'm sorry... (pause) Babe, I think there are things you still need to process. (touches him softly and rubs his arm) Have you given any more thought to therapy? Dr. Franklin said he can recommend a colleague at his practice, this way we are not seeing the same therapist...

Aaron: (lies his head back against the headboard) Joan, I do not have anything to process. I am fine. (looks at Joan) We're fine.

Joan: (sits up and lies her head back to think before she responds) Aaron, you are not fine. The nightmares continue. The continued anxiety is present. And the... Anger continues to escalate...

Aaron tries to interject.

Joan: (continues) Hear me out, please. (pause)  Aaron, we are not OK... we're not. 

Aaron: (head leaned back against headboard) Oh... that's right. I forgot. Are you still "done," Joan?

Joan: (immediately sits up and turns to Aaron) Please, don't do this Aaron. I'm still here, aren't I? (trying to keep her voice down) Babe, I love you. I love us. Had I been done, I would've been done a long time ago. But I am done watching you continue to ignore the clear-cut signs that something is wrong here. I love you, Aaron, but we need help. I don't know what else to do here. Please, help me to understand what you want me to do here. 

Aaron: (thinks deeply) How about you leave things alone and let me navigate? Can you do that? 

Joan: (quietly starting to cry) Babe, you are navigating in pain. I just hate seeing you in pain. Both physically and emotionally. (sits up and wipes her tears away) Talk to me, Aaron. Please.

Joan moves close and wraps her arms around Aaron as he is resting his head back on the headboard. Aaron holds Joan close and his gaze meets hers.

Aaron: (softly and apologetic) I'm so sorry, Joan. You truly don't deserve to deal with all of this... neither does Karolyn. (looks down at Joan as their gaze meets again).

Aaron and Joan begin to softly kiss, passionately. Joan returns the passion and as they both continue to kiss the passion rises. The kissing continues to escalate as Joan is moving in closer and more passionately toward Aaron. Aaron stops suddenly before things go too far. They both look at each other breathing deeply. Aaron strokes Joan's face apologetically and throws his head back onto the headboard and winces.

Joan: (curious) Babe, what's wrong? I really miss you. Please touch me. Take me. Do me! (throws her head back in frustration)

Aaron: (turns to Joan and strokes her face gently) I'm sorry. Babe, I'm just... tired. (pause) And in pain... I'm sorry.

Joan: (turns to Aaron and kisses him on the lips in a slightly passionate way)  It's ok. I understand. You get some rest. I'm gonna go take a shower. (Joan gives Aaron one more quick kiss).

Aaron: (sadly watches Joan get up and walk towards the bathroom) Joan, I love you. 

Joan: (turns around) I love you more. 

Joan turns around and smiles back at Aaron and then exits toward the bathroom. Aaron winces and tries to get comfortable in bed as he turns sadly on his side and tries to get back to sleep. End Scene.

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