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Scene 7:  The camera pans Joan entering her bedroom. We see Aaron sleeping on the bed and the television is playing in the background. Joan tip-toed to the walk-in closet so as to not wake Aaron from his sleep. Aaron begins to stir in his sleep and his stirring turns into moans of pain and agony. Aaron begins to toss and turn profusely and Joan runs out of the walk-in closet to check on him.

Joan: (sitting next to Aaron holding his shoulders and semi-shaking him to wake up) Aaron? (shakes him again) Aaron?? Baby? 

Aaron wakes up startled

Joan: (bends down close to Aaron's face) Babe, you OK?

Aaron:  (sits up in bed - groggy) Yeah. (shakes his head) I'm Ok. I just didn't sleep too well last night... 

Joan: (rubs his head) Oh baby... have you not been taking your Seroquel at night?

Aaron: (leans back in bed) No, Joan.  I am not taking the Seroquel at night. (rubs his head) It's bad enough I'm taking Hydroxyzine for my anxiety, using my Lidocaine pain patch, and let's not forget my antidepressant - the wonderful Duloxetine! (leans his head back onto the bed)

Joan: (sighs) I know, it's a lot, babe. 

Aaron: (sits up and looks at Joan) How do you know, Joan? 

Joan: (gets up from beside Aaron) You are right, Aaron. I don't know.  I'm sorry. (Joan goes back into the walk-in closet)

The camera pans into the closet as Joan changes out of her outfit and into her robe. The camera then pans back to Aaron lying in bed and attempting to get up while wincing. Aaron sits on the edge of the bed and then gets slowly up from the bed. Joan walks out of the walk-in closet and towards the bathroom. Aaron walks slowly and meets her halfway. 

Aaron: (puts his arms around Joan in a very tight embrace) I'm sorry. I know you have got to be tired of dealing with me. 

Joan: (loosens her embrace and keeps arms around Aaron) I am not tired of dealing with you, babe. We are adjusting to new circumstances... (goes in close and passionately kisses Aaron and suddenly stops when she senses Aaron's resistance) Babe, I miss you. I miss you holding me. Touching me... 

Aaron: (holding Joan) I miss you too... but I just... (let's go of his hold) I just can't find a rhythm... these prescriptions are a lot, Joan. The pain is constant... (hangs his head)

Joan: (wraps her arms around Aaron) It's an adjustment. Just know that I am here for you, babe. (loosens her arms and begins to walk to the bathroom) Babe, tonight I'm going to go out with the girls for some drinks and Karolyn is going to go spend time with Shayna at Maya's. I promise I won't be out long. I'm going to nurse one drink and come back home. 

Aaron: (hint of a sincere smile) You deserve a night out. Go out and enjoy yourself. And please apologize to Maya for me.

Joan: (before she goes into the bathroom) Oh, Maya will be back. You can wave your white flag when she blows on in again. (winks at Aaron and goes into the bathroom)

Aaron walks over to his nightstand and the camera pans to his hands as they begin to shake. Aaron's breathing grows a bit deep, and his forehead is glistening with perspiration. Aaron goes through the nightstand and grabs a pill from one of his pill bottles. Aaron lies back in bed with his head against the headrest. Aaron's visible anxiety symptoms begin to dissipate. There is a faint knock on the bedroom door.

Aaron: (looks toward the door) Come on in, baby girl.  

Karolyn sticks her head in.

Karolyn: (from the door) Hey daddy! 

Aaron: Hey, baby.

Karolyn: (still by the door) Did you eat? (looks around as if searching) Mommy in the shower?

Aaron: (laughs a bit) Yeah, she's in the shower. What's up?

Karolyn: (whispering) Well, you didn't hear this from me, but I brought you some hot pockets from Auntie Maya's house and I hid them in the back of the freezer. You want me to nuke you some? Mommy don't need to know. (smiles)

Aaron: (laughs and motions for Karolyn to come in)(Karolyn walks towards her father) Listen, you just go on and have a good time with your "cuz-cuz." Just cool it on that TikTok account. That last challenge almost took y'all out, and by that I mean, your momma almost killed you! 

Karolyn shrugs shyly and they both laugh. Joan steps out of the bathroom with her robe on and smiles when she sees Aaron and Karolyn smiling and laughing. 

Joan: (unwrapping the towel around her hair) Hey, baby. 

Karolyn: I just came to ask daddy if he wanted me to fix him something to eat. 

Joan: (fluffing her hair) Yeah, baby girl... just heat him up a few of them hot pockets. (looks at Karolyn's surprised look) Oh! Is somebody a bit shook? You do know that I am very aware of everything that is in my fridge. 

Karolyn: (begins to walk out of the room rolling her eyes) Nobody even says "shook" anymore, mommy. Nobody. Psshhh. (walks out of the room)

Aaron and Joan laugh as she walks back into the walk-in closet. End Scene

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