Chapter 20

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*slenderman p.o.v*
God Jeffery hasn't woken up in three days. We found him screaming in our room, he had a bad dream. I went into his mind but wasn't able to actually see the dream. But I know who might've caused it. He needs to stop nobody wants to join his stupid ass army. Hear that Zalgo, you little cunt. Ben walked into my study to tell me Jeff had woken up. "Benjamin are you serious" I sprung from my chair and ran to our bedroom. "JEFF-ry.." I stopped, he was awake indeed. But I could tell he wasn't himself, I felt it. Dammit, Zalgo might've sent his screamers dammit. Screamers are harsh demons, ones you can never get rid of until they get bored. Once they are bored they'll move on.
I looked to Jeff who now had black sludge spilling from his mouth, eyes, ears, nose, and who knows what other orafices. I sighed and walked out of the room, locking it and walked to my study.
❤❤Continued soon❤❤

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