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*Jeffs Pov*

I woke up and looked around, i was in a room somewhere. "Where the hell am i" I questioned my self. Instantly as if my captor heard me, he stepped into the room. I examined him, He was tall, in a dressy suit, he had long..tentacles? Coming out of his back, i looked up to his face and to my surprise, he didn't have one. "w-who are y-you" i stuttered as i spoke. For the first time since the urge to kill took over me I felt fear, i felt terrified. Is this how my victims feel. I was drug out of my thoughts as one of the tall mans tendrils picked me up. I couldn't tell if he was looking at me or not. "Excuse me i said who the fuck are you" another tendril came up and covered my mouth. "Child, i have decided to let you live, but you have to stay here with me, there will be rules" i glared at him and bit the tendril covering my mouth. As soon as i did it i regretted it because some black oose leaked into my mouth. Quickly i spit it out and cussed. "Rule 1, No fighting back, Rule number-" i cut him off "why the fuck should i listen to you" his tendril covered my mouth again, while the other one squeezed me. His voice boomed as he yelled "RULE NUMBER 2, NO CUSSING ALLOWED" I flinched back when he yelled. He sighed and lowered his voice "Rule number 3, no leaving without my permission,and last of all, no weapons unless hunting" and with that he grabbed my knife out of my pocket. (slenders pov)

I grabbed his knife and put it away. "now child, i am slender man, i already know who you are jeff" he looked at me surprised  then struggled and fought to get away. "hmm cussing and struggling, you'll have to be punished"

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