Dreams, More Like Nightmares From Hell

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*Jeffs p.o.v / dream*

"HELP" I heard someone scream out, I was running as fast as I could. My legs wouldn't seem to go faster, no matter how hard I tried. "HELP MEEEE" The scream got shriller, almost blood curdling. "WHERE ARE YOU" I shouted into the nothingness that seemed to surround me. Suddenly, a house appeared infront of me. I slowly walked in, and rushed upstairs. This house, it looked so familiar. As I was approaching one of the doors a loud scream sounded out. "AHHHHH" I burst through the door. Nothing, what the hell. I went to the closet, to see a woman. I picked up her lifeless body, a smile carved into her face and her eyelids burnt off. "Wh-what" Suddenly, the screams of all my victims filled my ears, getting louder and louder. Their faces appearing in my mind, their terrified looks. "No no no stop" I screamed dropping to my knees covering my ears. Soon I fell onto my side as the nothingness surrounded me. Suddenly my brothers face appeared infront of me. "L-Liu" I reached my hands out. His voice came out in a scream "ALL YOUR FAULT" as soon as he said that. His face seemed to melt away. I fell, fell into the darkness that surrounded me. Until I woke up...

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