chapter 12 chamber of secrets

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As me and harry were sitting wondering why we had no mail from friends we got called down stairs we are having guest so don't make any noise and pretend you don't exist yes sir me and harry ran to our bedroom to find a creature jumping on the bed what are you doing it stopped harry and savanna potter so nice to meet you both I'm dobby hi dobby what are you doing here dobby came to warn you not to go to hogwarts this year something bad is gonna happen we can't hogwarts is our home a place that we can go why to go back to friends who don't even write to you wait how did you no we haven't had a single letter then dobby pulled out a pile of letters give those her you little shit but he just ran downstairs and threw them into the fireplace and disappeared Vernon saw me and yelled at me to get upstairs later that night he attached bars to our windows so we couldn't go back to hogwarts that little peice of shit around midnight we saw a glow of headlights it came closer as it grew brighter I saw Fred and George Fred George you came to my rescue my prince charmings you really are so dramatic I got harry to take his trunk and hedwig and my trunk to the car soon Fred and George pulled the bars off the windows I heard Vernon coming up the stairs I threw our things in to see Ron he smiled I climbed in and harry was about to when Vernon grabbed his foot we kicked him off and he fell out the window as we drove of Ron apologised to me about last year and asked if we could start of again I smiled sure savanna potter you are Ronald weasly we laughed hey George can I sit up there with you so these to lovebirds can talk harry and Ron said wtf Georgie let me sit on his lap and Fred drove into the country to a old house

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