chapter 49

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I woke up to amethyst liking my face I opened my eyes and picked her up I got dressed in my quidditch hoodie and leggings as I walked into the hall amethyst ate a peice of bacon and then ran of to a group of first years I smiled and soon started running after her as she ran up to the teacher they told me it was fine and I walked back over pansy told me that my pup was adorable soon mail arrived shadow came and sat on my shoulder she handed me a letter from Sirius that read dear savanna I heard about you and dracos new enemies state of relationship and I think that you should get back together you were so happy I gave the owl a peice of bacon and I crunched up the peice of paper and set it on fire I whistled and amethyst came to me I picked her up and ran out crying I still wanted draco but he was being toxic so I was being toxic to him amethyst sensed my mood and started whimpering and curled up to me I put my head in my knees and cried for a few minutes when I felt a cold hand grab my hand I looked up to see draco dra a co what are you doing I stammer I didn't mean to put I was reading your letter while you were and who ever padfoot is I think he is right whaaat do you mean Draco I thought you hated me I don't hate you I love you but you were going crazy you needed help and I felt really bad I did he explained I ley out a smile he then held my chin with his fingers and pulled me in for a kiss as we separated I turned to see pansy holding amethyst awwwww you guys are a couple again I'm gonna tell the who school then she ran off I stand up PANSY GIVE ME AMETHYST BACK SHES MINE I run after her and walk in to her screaming that me and draco were a couple again PANSY sorry GIVE ME AMETHYST BACK SHES MY EMOTIONAL SUPPORT BEST FRIEND fine she let her go and I whistle and she jumps into my arms I give her a kiss on the head and let her go run to the year one's and left amethyst would find me she was very smart I walk up to the twins dorms and grab my bags the twins are waiting for me all sad they beg me not to leave them alone with eachother and I just smile I thank them and then throw my bag at George George carry my bag and Fred give me a piggy back to my destination yes mam we walked around to the slyithrin portrait and they then left I whispered the password and walked in but before I shut the portrait amethyst ran in between my legs I laughed and ran up the stairs I put my bags away and sat down talking to amethyst when draco came out of the shower he's hair dripping wet I cast the drying spell on him and his hair dried up I turned around as he put his clothes on for the ball he then walked down stairs while I got changed I put on the dress that only me and scarlet new about and put some light make up on and some white sneakers I picked up amethyst and removed the bandage from her paw she ran around howling excitedly as I walked down into the common room with amethyst all eyes went to me I smiled as pansy mouth was opened so far her jaw was on the ground draco smiled and held out a hand and twirled me around as I faced him he pulled me in for a kiss I then told him I have to go get my companion for the ball he asked who it was and I smiled and said I'm bring scarlet because she's my friend I then asked pansy to take amethyst to the ball and went to get scarlet I nocked on the common room door and scarlet opened it dressed ready to go I smiled and spun her around she was so happy she then jumped on my back and we left for the greathall as we got there scarlet ran over to her brother and started annoying him I then went over to draco and he then asked me to take the bracelet back I took it and put it on and went back to scarlet since the champions had to dance I took her and we went to the middle I gave her a quick swirl and then amethyst came running up to me I smiled and whistled and pointed at pansy who had lost her amethyst ran back to pansy and then I started dancing with scarlet she wasn't good at the waltz so I changed out dance to something more fun and scarlet smiled soon the other champions followed my lead and started dancing to there own dance I gave scarlet another piggy back and she was so happy she then hoped down and went to dance with her brother and I walked to draco who was watching me and scarlet I sat down next to him as he looked at the dance floor I told him he could go dance and he stood up I sighed then he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him he started dancing and gave me a quick dip and when he held me gave me a kiss I after awhile I went to sit by a window when amethyst ran up to me her face looked as if something happened it jumped up to the window and started whimpering I looked out and gasped the wold pack was being attacked by moody I told amethyst to run and stay with pansy as I threw my shoes of and ran outside to save the pack I ran infront of the pack as moody was throwing spells at them I howled and the wolves ran into the forest except the alpha he stood beside me WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOUR HURTING THE PACK I screamed at moody he then smirked and lifted his sleeve to reveal a dark mark and his hair and face started changing I gasped when he transformed into bartys son he smiled and then took a sip from his drink which was pollyjuice he the raised his wand to the alpha before he shouted the spell I told the alpha to go to the pack and jumped infront of him I didn't notice that draco was running over since he saw the whole scene moody the shouted CRUCIO and a blue light came crashing into my chest I turned to see the alpha watching I looked at it in pain and mouthed run so it ran I stood up in pain trying not to scream I'm agony moody or should I say barty Jr said I'm impressed your not screaming at that curse ooh trust me Barry it hurts but I learnt to hide it he smiled well then you shouldn't mind me using this one imperio I felt my mind being controlled but I cleared my head and shouted expelliarmus his wand went flying he looked mad I started to run and noticed draco had turned and gone back inside to get help as I ran he caught up to me hello sweetheart he gave me a wicked grin then I felt a blade go into my stomach he then shouted obliviate and I couldn't remember what just happened I then saw amethyst running towards me sniffing my stomach I didn't no why so I looked down and I saw a knife in my stomach I stood up but fell over I told amethyst to get anyone she ran and I stood up weakly and walked slowly into the greathall as I walked in I asked for Snape and everyone went silent  

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