chapter 14

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I woke up to Fred and George packing my trunk and telling me to get ready to go I quickly got dressed and we all got to platform 9/¾ we soon waved by to molly and all head on the train as I hoped on I got cat whistled a few times with people saying you've had a major glow up soon Fred and George both picked me up and sat me on the shoulders as we walk around looking for a capartment we walk past draco and he glares at the twins like his jealous and the twins notice and start tormenting him saying jealous malfoy and sneering draco scoffs and walks away we find a capartment and they put me down we talk for awhile about what we expect this year to go I soon leave to get into my robes for the sorting as I walk back I'm pulled into a capartment by draco he looks annoyed what happened dray the twins why are you hanging out with them and not me dray there like brothers to me you have nothing to worry about good because your mine and mine only oh am I now I don't see your name on me we will see about that he closed the door and blinds and pulled me into him what are you d then I felt his lips against my neck sucking away I lean my head back in pleasure he smirked and kept going after awhile I leave thinking about what just happened I walk back to Fred and George and they stop who someone has claimed you Fred smirked I say what do you mean and they point to my neck I take out a mirror to see malfoy left a giant Hickey on my neck shit I have to hide this I say soon harry walks in with Ron and hermione harry and Ron  and hermione look at my neck and then to  me hermione mutters whore undur her breath I turn to her shocked then harry says who gave you that I whisper malfoy  I can't hear you malfoy fuck sakes Ron looks at me and snickers at my remark Ron I push him playfully and hermione stares at me Fred and George notice and tell hermione to leave she leaves and so does harry I turn to them whisper thank you and rub after harry while he storming to dracos capartment harry stop it fine no savanna it's not he barges in and to my horror punches draco in the face don't touch my sister malfoy draco punches harry she's my girlfriend idiot I do what I like and she enjoyed it he smirked harry and draco were about ready to fight and people were gathering some people saw my Hickey and started whispering to eachother before harry threw a punch I stepped in the middle the red glow coming out again not this again people stare shocked at what's happening again harry and draco look horrified at me It only happens when I'm mad and they weren't sure who I was mad at so they back down the glow went down and I told harry I would see him around he left and I was so mad I grabbed a wet towel to wipe blood from dracos head he winces I'm sorry I mumble no it ok pansy walks in with blaise and see what happening and my Hickey savanna draco you dirty little shuts she says jokingly but that word still hurt when I heard it I finished and kissed draco goodbye and ran to a empty apartment

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