chapter 29

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I woke up and got dressed in casual clothes since everyone was going to hogmeads and me and harry couldn't so we were staying behind I limped out since my leg still hurt and waved everyone goodbye as they left me and harry went to lupins classroom since he wanted to teach us how to produce a patronus since we keep getting attacked by them he then pulled out two boxs containing one dementor each and told us we need to think of the happiness memory we can think about and try to  focus he opened both boxes and it went cold I tried thinking about my happiest memory and thought of me and harry talking and having fun expecto patronus I faded light came out it wasn't working and lupin was focusing on harry and forgot I was here I tried again struggling as it came closer to me I stepped back and thought of me draco blaise and pansy laughing at a silly joke expecto patronus a giant light flooded the room and they finally noticed me oh savanna you did it I forgot you were here sorry good job I turned around to see my patronus was a wolf I watched in amazement as it pranced around me I thank the professor and walked out happy with my self I walked out and waited at the black Lake staring at the beutiful water and started humming and someone sat besides me humming the same song I turned around to see draco I smiled and gave him a peck he lifted me up and we walked to the great hall when we got in there i turned to see lupin talking to Snape he then looked over at me impressed with what ever he said I then told draco I would be back I go over to gyriffindoors table and sit next to Fred and George hey twins I say with a smirk what's the smirk for sav I got a prank idea to do on harry were listening boss ok so when he's sleeping we sneek into his room and draw on his face with green paint and then decorate his dorm abit with toilet paper your a genius sav the password is merlin's bogers wierd but ok see you at 8 bye I walk back over smirking still what are you planning savanna pansy asked a little terrified a little prank on my brother oh she started smirking have fun I walked back of preparing for the night the green cans in a duffel bag and Fred had the toilet paper the clock was saying it was 7:56 so I started making my way down to the common room to find Fred and George passed out on the couch they were gonna be no help so I tip toed in to see a man in striped clothes holding a knife to Ron what are you doing I whispered shouted he turned around and noticed it was Sirius black I grabbed my wand what are you doing here but the knife down or I will hex you he just smiled oh my little wolf cub how are you I missed you what are you talking about you betrayed my parents no savanna rons rat is an amingus and is Peter pettigrew the man who actually betrayed them but put the blame on me I'm your godfather savanna what kill the thing then well I have to get out of here now meet me at the womping willow in a week I will send you a letter soon in a code I'm padfoot got it ok bye I have to pull my prank I'll talk soon I gave him a quick hug and he ran of taking all this in I took out the paint and drew a big s in black and painted the rest of his face green I then took out some toilet paper and decorated his room I looked over to Ron and saw his rat had escaped the basterd I got back to my dorm and hid the evidence and snuggled next to draco falling asleep to his heartbeat

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