chapter 66

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Time skip

As I grab my trunk to leave for hogwarts again I say good bye to everyone and my dad we then leave for the train as we get there we get on and sit down we sit down and start all talking about our holiday and I give draco a kiss and pansy screams YOU TWO ARE BACK TOGETHER I nod and we soon arrive again I look at everyone by the way my dorm is in the chamber of secrets I cleaned it and organised it so yea we walk inside and harry comes up to me where did you go for two weeks fuck off harry I was with my father he looks at me your what I stand up harry fuck off I stand up on a table EXUSE ME EVERYONE HARRYS NOT MY BROTHER IM A MURDERER I sit down and begin eating once I finished I walk over to Max hey Max can I talk to you he looks at me sure we walk to the toilets and he smirks so you want to do it again HEY I look at him I got a boyfriend so don't ever try to assault me again I then punch him in his eye and leave and walk out after awhile I head to the greathall for dinner as I sit down I get a letter from Bella and draco gets one from his mum we look at eachother as everyone stares at us I pull him out of the room and we open our letters dear savanna we need you to go with Snape and he will apparate you to us we have a mission to capture your brother when you get her you will receive a mask so he doesn't no it's you I look to draco and we head back and I notice harry and his friends gone I walk to Snape and hand him the letter he nods and we apparate to the mannor as we get there I walk in and Bella hands me a mask I put it on and draco does the same we soon all apparate to the ministry and we set of to find a profecy we don't find it but then we hear someone pick up a profecy I walk over to to harry I whistle and everyone walks up to him our wands out luscious asks for the ball but they all start running soon we catch up and swarm them and end up with one person each harry soon drops the profecy and Sirius pops out we all drop our people as the order of the phoniex roll in we all get into a heated battle when I hear voices in the mirror I look to see harry hears them to I then hear Bella scream AVARDA KEDAVRA I look and see Sirius floating into the mirror harry starts chasing Bella and everyone follows ì take off my mask and look at the mirror I soon hear amethysts howling I look around but she's not there I put my mask back on and narrissa apparates us out and back to hogwarts I hand her my mask and draco does the same we walk in and I sit down while everyone eats I grab a peice of paper and write to my dad asking if I can skip the rest of the year surprisingly as soon as I send it I get a pain in my head and then I hear my dads voice savanna you can take the rest of the year of thanks dad soon he disappears and I go to pack my trunk I then head of to Snape who teleports me to the mannor I run up and put my bags up I go to sit on a couch and see Bella with a giant cut on her knee I pull out my wand episky it heals and we sit down and watch a movie and I fall asleep in her arms

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