chapter 67 half blooded prince

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I walk out with my bags to head for diagon alley my dad had assigned me and draco with a task so he could defeat dumbledoor we head out I walk in with draco and we start looking for the cabinet when I hear a rustle I look up and see harry quickly duck out of my sight I whisper to narrissa that harry is spying on us she looks at me very well you head of with draco and we will sort this cabinet out I smile and me and draco walk out I then say HI HARRY HAVE A SAFE TRIP and walk out I feel him gawking at me draco takes my hand and leads me to the twins joke shop and tells me to just apparate back to the mannor when I'm done I smile and walk in to mayhem and fun things as I walk in the twins run up to me savanna your here we missed you where did you go for the rest of last year you just disappeared I smile I went on uhh vacation with dracos family they then walk me over to a special section made just for me I look around and find a potion to contain anger I smile and take one potion when they lead me to a room and I hear movements I walk in and stare in shock there's a wolf cub standing in front of my eyes as soon as it sees me it smiles I start crying because it resembles amethyst alot I walk up to it and it runs up to my arms and jumps I look at the twins thank you so much they smile we nee you would love it now get going we have a business to run I smile an apparate with the wolf to the mannor I walk in smiling and draco walks up to me is that amethyst I shake my head no the twins got it for me and I don't no what to call it he looks at me well it's special so call it sapphire I smile and Bella walks in with my dad the pup jumps out of my arms and runs up to my dad he raises his wand DAD DONT he lowers it sorry savanna he then neels down and pats it I smile as Bella plays with it I then say goodbye to everyone and apparate me and sapphire to the train I walk in and a bunch of people crowd me while I'm holding sapphire is that amethyst she asks I shake my head no this is sapphire I then walk to where draco is sitting and sit down and pansy asks the same question as everyone else has this is sapphire I let sapphire go and she sits with draco we then start talking about our holidays when the door suddenly opens and then closes I look around and notice a little bit of black hair as the train stops I whisper to draco that harry is here in his invisibility cloak and draco nods we tell everyone to go in with out us and draco shuts the door and blind didn't you no potter it's rude to eavesdrop I take out my wand a throw a spell and he falls on the ground I take off the cloak and tell draco I'll meet him later and walk out but I get stopped by flitwik name professor you've been teaching me for 6 years I'm sorry miss potter I walk in and sit down after awhile sapphire jumps up and moves to the teachers table all the teachers look at her hello amethyst we thought you died I stand up and walk over to the teachers table to get her it's not amethyst her name is sapphire I pick her up and we walk to amethyst grave I freshen up the flowers and sit there patting sapphire while talking to amethyst I pull up my sleeve to let some air on it when I hear someone start walking I quickly pull it down and notice it's draco I sigh and stand up for a kiss after we kiss he tells me we have to get to work we walk to the room of requirements and see the cabinet we get to work on trying to send things over we spend all night working on it with no success after we hear people walk around we come out and walk to the hall exhausted I sit down and start eating when I drop my head into my food I hear pansy laugh and I lift up my head and she stops you've got bags under your eyes I look at draco love cannyou go to the kitchens and make me a coffee he stands up sure as he leaves the mail rolls in a owl hands me a letter from Bella and a package I read the letter that says savanna you and draco need to give the bottle of wine to dumbledoor it's filled with poison I take the package and leave the hall ii drop the parcel off at his office and leave to go to amethysts grave I sit down and draco walks up to me with sapphire and hands me a coffee I take it and take a sip and feel finally awake I then tell draco what Bella had sent me and he shook his head this is going to keep us up for hours every day I look at him you think

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