chapter 46

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As I walked over he asked if I produced a fully body patronus I nodded and he told me to show him outside we left and we heard people start whispering when the doors closed he asked me to do it EXPECTO PATRONUS soon the giant dragon came out dumbledoor stumbled back wow this is a legendary patronus savanna the dragon flew around us he then asked if I could show everyone I nodded and the dragon disappeared we walked back inside and dumbledoor silenced the whole room he then went on to say that I had been able to produce a full body patronus and a legendary one who then told everyone that I was going to have to show everyone about my discovery he then told me to stand up and walk up the front I stood there and everyone was quiet expecto patronus the giant light came out and there stood the dragon he started flying around and people were shocked I saw harry and he was smiling as the dragon flew over the greathall I noticed something about it it came back to me and sat down I then yelled EVERYONE MOVE BACK AND BE QUIET the patronus soon duplicated and and the first one started to transform into a real dragon everyone moved back as the dragon stood up real as hell it turned to face me and it was calm I smiled when I heard a little girl scream out of fear then the dragons eyes turned a red colour I put a barrier between the dragon and everyone as I tried to calm it down it then stomped over to the little girl who was behind the barrier I looked at dumbledoor to see he was confused I asked for help and turned to moody who had his wand pointed at the dragon he made it become real I turned back to the dragon who was coming towards me  it's nostrils fiery I tried calming it I yelled pansy catch and threw my wand over the barrier this was a disaster before I new it I felt my skin on fire it had breathed fire out on me my skin was gonna have several burn marks but I was determined to calm it I heard pansy scream as I ran out of the blaise look at her arms I looked down and saw that my flesh was peeling off I was really dizzy but I could do it I held out my hand at the raging dragon I felt it's fiery breath blow again but then I gave up I looked over to see moody still holding his wand out I scream pansy wand she throws it to me and I point it at moody expelliarmus his wand goes flying and as soon as the wands out of his hand the dragons gone I look to harry and my patronus is gone Sirius was right we couldn't trust moody I let the barrier down and looked at Snape who was holding moody wand Snape then grabbed moody and they left I fell to my knees and sat down to look at my arms and legs with the flesh peeling away I looked to dumbledoor THAT PROFESSOR IS TRYING TO KILL US WHYD YOU HIRE HIM THIS WAS A BAD IDEA I stood up and stormed out my arms and legs were burning I walked down to the great lake I grabbed my wand and cast the bubble charm and dove in to make the burning stop as I did I rose back up and went back and performed a drying spell then I sat down and looked at all my burn marks moody really was trying to kill me I then heard wolf's howling I dug my knees into my chest and cried silently I then felt warm furry bodies on my body I looked up to see a pack of wolves standing around me or brushing against me then they started curling around my burns and soon I couldn't feel anything I looked down and I had perfect skin I looked at the pack and they sat down besides me or in my lap I started petting them when I heard voices the wolves stood up around me protectively as all the year fours came to check on me as they came closer the wolves began to howl and people freeze I give a soft howl to see if they listen and they do the back up into my legs again and i sit back down to pet them and they soon run off I stand up and I hear pansy ask if I was ok I smiled lumos my wand produces a light that surrounds my body and I reveal no burn marks how did you get rid of them savanna I hear blaise say so I told them I was sitting down and the pack of wolves came and started rubbing against the burns and then they disappeared everyone smiled and left except for the twins my brother draco pansy blaise Ron and hermione my brother walks up to me and gives me a tight hug and whispers in my ear that he loves me I smile and then Ron and hermione come in and ask how my patronus changed I shrugged since I didn't no the answer then pansy and blaise come to me and ask how I'm handling the break up I smile and say I'm doing fine then they go over and start chatting with the others and that leaves draco with me he starts speaking but I turn around and started walking to the others when he grabs my wrists I pull away DONT TOUCH ME MALFOY WE ARENT TOGETHER the other turn around and stand infront of me protectively and draco just shoves them aside he struts over to me and grabs my wrists again and leans down to my ear and whispers be careful you could die love I move back DONT CALL ME LOVE YOU PERVERT draco smirks you won't be calling me a pervert for long fuck off malfoy you broke up with me I storm of with everyone leaving draco behind I say goodbye to pansy and blaise as I walk to the twins room I say goodnight to Ron and hermione and harry but he interrupts me savanna if he ever grabs you or does something without your permission tell me ok he said sternly I smile and walk up with the twins as we're sitting down and talking they bring up the dragon situation I then explain that moody was cursing my patronus so it would start raging they smile and ask for me to do it again so I whip out my wand expecto patronus my full body patronus comes out and starts flying around the room WICKED the twins say in unison as it fades I say goodnight as I try to sleep

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