chapter 69 hehe

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Sexual assault and rape warnings ⚠️

And he gives me a tired smile I then ask if sapphire could spend most of the year with pansy and blaise and they started questioning me so I looked at draco and he nodded I led them out and explained to them about what was happening and pansy gasped your the mystery riddle savanna he killed your parents don't you remember I'm a murderer in Harry's eyes she gave me a sympathetic look and I smiled we walked back in and I found a drink waiting for me I took a smell and it smelt like coffee so I supposed that draco made it for me so I took a sip and them I heard draco walk in and look at me and the mug he then ran over and smacked the cup away from my hands and yelled at me SAVANNA THE MUG HAS MAXS NAME ON IT AND LOOK I looked at the floor to see the drink turning pink I looked at draco and muttered oh no I then looked at Max who was smiling and I felt like I was in love I turn to draco pls forgive me it's a potion I love you I then walked over to Max and sat on his lap and suddenly I didn't remember draco and me dating I turn to Max hey Max I love you will you be my boyfriend he smiled sure love follow me I followed him into his private room and he smirked as he locked the door and took my wand and hid it I looked at him and kissed him slowly and he groaned I felt his boner on my legs I smirked and knelt down on my knees and he made me stand up and then he pushed me on the bed and tied my hand to his bed post with handcuffs he then unzipped his pants and took out a condom and put it on he then looks at me ready baby you won't be able to feel your legs tomorrow I smirk ok daddy he then spreads my legs and pushes his dick into my pussy I let out a loud moan as he starts pumping me but then suddenly the potion where's off and I look at him and try to get up but he pushes me back down MAX STOP I DONT LIKE YOU he stops and slaps me and keeps pumping me I get angry I manage to get out of the cuffs I put my skirt on and punch him in his face he falls back angerly ACCIO WAND my wand comes flying towards me and I put his pants on and point my wand at him as he gets up I smirk revenge for amethyst avarda kedavra a green light propelled out of my wand and he dropped to the floor I smile and laugh and try to walk but fall over fuck he fucked me hard I stand up and limp out to dinner to see draco look heart broken I walk in and slowly limp up to him and sit down and put my head on his shoulder draco I am so sorry you probably hate me I didn't mean anything that I did to him or with him I love you pls don't be mad I start crying and he pushes me off him save it were done he stands up and leaves I feel my heart break for the last time everyone watches me as I slowly sit on the ground  and cry my heart out when I feel Fred and George sit down next to me and then I start to have a panic attack I stand up and run out and away from everyone I run outside and sit down and try counting to hundred but it doesn't work when suddenly I see Sirius my mum my dad and amethyst standing infronrt of me in ghost form I turn to everyone I'm so sorry I'm a traitor I no I'm sorry you guys hate me to amethyst runs up to me and sits down and I hold out my hand to her and she touches it and suddenly I feel fur against my hand and amethyst is standing up and alive she smiles and runs around me and I soon calm down and breath normally when my mum says savanna we don't hate you harry pushed you to far we no you will do what you need to do we love you they all soon fade away and I look at amethyst who is smiling I let out a giant howl and in a minute the wolves run out they stare at me and then at amethyst they soon let out howls and start running around amethyst happily when I hear people start coming out the wolves head back in the forest and I see George and Fred holding sapphire they stare at amethyst and Fred stutters is that amethyst I smile and nod they let sapphire go and sapphire runs up to amethyst and they start playing together I smile and stand up I pick amethyst sapphire up in my arms and walk to the greathall smiling as I barge in the twins start yelling SAVANNA BOUGHT AMETHYST BACK FROM THE DEAD everyone turns to face me and people start running up to me to see if it's true as I let amethyst go she runs around with sapphire and I smile when I notice draco with a girl I look at them and there happy draco looks at me and smirks I just turn away from him when I hear his new girl yelling YOU LITTLE MUTTS GET AWAY FROM ME I turn back around to see her raising her hand to hit  them I see amethyst really scared and I get angry and start to walk over when she hits the both draco laughs serves them right I look at them and storm over BITCH THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY WOLVES AND MALFOY SHUT YOUR ANNOYING MOTHER FUCKING ASS UP YOU ASSHOLE IF I SEE YOUR NEW GIRL TOUCH OR EVEN GO NEAR MY WOLVES MY FIST WILL BE IN BOTH OF YOUR FACES I walk over to them and think fast I throw a punch to his new girl and she falls down holding her nose I turn to draco if you weren't helping me I would avarda kedavra you right here you asshole I turn to amethyst and sapphire I pick them up and examine them to make sure there ok o put them down and take out my wand and point it to the sky FROM HERE ON FORWARD THIS SCHOOL WILL SUFFER PITCH BLACK CLOUDS WITH NO SUN INTILL I UNLISH THIS CURSE I lower my wand and the sky turns black pitch black I then hear the teacher put there wands out and try to undo the curse  and I smile as they fail the curse will end when I release it so enjoy because that won't be for a while

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