chapter 68

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As we were eating breakfast the next day after hours of working on the cabinet harry stands up and walks over to me hey savanna pls became full you no that there's a mystery riddle hidden in our school I look at him and nod and he walks away and draco starts snickering as I elbow him in his ribs to shut him up and he stops sapphire runs up to me and eats all my bacon HEY I WAS GOING TO EAT THAT she then Casually smiles at me and runs off as people start to laugh as I grab some more bacon the owls roll in and I receive two letters one from Bella one from lupin I open up Bella's one to reveal that the other cabinet they were working on was finished and that they could hear into the room but couldn't get through and that she wanted me to go with harry this Christmas to spy on the order of the phoniex I close the letter and hand it to draco and he reads it and nods and sets it on fire and then I open my second one from lupin and it says dear miss potter we would like you to spend Christmas with the order and join it I hand draco the letter and he lights it on fire this is going to be interesting I say I stand up and we both head on down to potions with slughorn as we sit down he tells us that we will be making love potions and the person with the best potion wins a potion of luck I turn to draco and we set to work I really want that potion so we can be over and done with cabinet once the time runs out slughorn walks around everyone and back to the front and announced that only two people had it perfect Mr potter and Mr laden I look over to Max who is grinning and slam my head on the table FUCK THIS I SHALL NEVER SLEEP I stand up and storm out and then my arm starts to burn I lift up my sleeve a little and cast a numbing pain on my arm I also use a spell to hide the mark for 48 hours as it fades so noone can see it I smile and walk around with my sleeves up and walk into the greathall and draco and Snape stare at my arm and I just mouth follow me they stand up and we walk out side where no one is watching I tell them to lift there sleeve up and grab my wand and there mark fades I then tell them that it only last 48 hours and that it is still there they smile and walk back and draco leaves his sleeve up thank God I finally can have breeze on my arm I smile and give him a quick kiss your welcome now let's head over to the cabinet we walk out but I quickly run back in a take a bowl of fruit and walk into the room I then rember that it can hear both sides so I open it YO BELLA CAN YOU HEAR ME I wait a second and then hear her laugh and smile as she explains that she has a plan so that we can get rid of dumbledoor she then tells me to sat accio cursed necklace I say it and a package flys at me and smacks me in the head BELLAAAAA THAT HURT she laughs and tells draco to give it to Katie bell and tell her to give it to dumbledoor and then make her forget who asked he nodded and I gave him the package and left to pack for Christmas holiday and so did draco as I left draco apparated to his house I got  to Sirius home I saw lupin waiting for me I ran up to him a gave him a giant hug and he started by telling me to keep watch for death eaters and that harry thought draco was one I gasped he's wrong dracos not one I don't think after the two weeks we're up I apparated back to hogwarts and ran into the hall to see sapphire with pansy I walk over and pansy tells me that Ron got poisoned by wine and nearly died I look over to draco

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