chapter 63

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Tw contains sexual assault and rape

As I walking I feel like I'm being followed so I turn around and noone is there so I keep walking I get to the bathroom and go to wash my face when I feel someone grab me and lock both of us in a cubicle and lock the door and put a silent charm on it I turn around to see Max grinning at me I ask him what he is doing but he casts a spell on my mouth and I can't speak he then moves closer to me and kisses my lips I try pushing him away but his to strong I let out a tear as he pins me to the cubicle wall he then starts kissing my neck and starts taking my top of I push him away but he grabs me and slaps me STOP JUST LET ME DO WHAT I WANT I start crying as he unclipped my bra strap leaving my chest bare he then starts sucking on my nipple hungry I start crying more as he pulls down my pants and underwear  leaving me fully naked he grins and starts taking of his pants and boxers he then pulls me into him and starts pumping me rough and letting out loud moans he soon realised inside me and put his clothes back on and put mine tyrn pulls me onto of him ride me now I look at him and then he forces me to I start to cry even more as he let's out louder moans oh baby you were made for my dick he then released again and I felt like I was gonna cum as well as he continued to make me ride him I felt my high coming he moaned your so tight baby I released and he put his clothes back on he then undid the spell and told me not to tell anyone about tonight I nod and he goes while I stand there crying I then walk out to the common room and sit on a couch a dig my knees into my chest and start crying I then feel dracos hand on my back rubbing it up and down what's wrong Princess what happened I stop crying I can't tell you or he will do it again now pls go he looks at me who will do it again I stand up nobody now I'm off to bed I then walk up and head to bed in pain when I wake up I feel really sick and rush to pansy bathroom and throw up I hear her rush over to me what happened are you ok yea I'm fine pans it's ok I stand up and flush down the vomit I then head down to the hall for breakfast and sit down I look over to Max who is looking at me and mouths don't tell anyone or else I nod and turn around a shed a tear I then turn to my food but I'm not hungry I walk out and sit down when harry follows me savanna your really pale and you look like a ghost what happened je goes for a hug but I stand up I can't tell you and pls I don't really like hugs anymore I then walk to the lake and sit down I then feel a hand grab my shirt it was Max did you tell anybody I start crying no I promise I haven't pls don't do it again I didn't tell anybody he drops me good girl he then walks away I then feel something inside me kick me I look at my stomach and I feel it again omg I think I'm pregnant I go up to the bathroom and I'm late for my period oh no this can't be happening I take out my wand and whisper I'm sorry little one but I'm not ready to be a mother I'm still at school I then perform a abortion charm and my stomach feels empty I stand up and head on down to the greathall I walk up to harry hey harry can you take my name off the list I don't feel like I need lessons I'm sorry he nods it's ok I then sit down and pansy passes me a drink hey drink this you look dehydrated I smile thank you I then finish it and all my friends look at me so how do you feel bad I found out that I was pregnant and then I aborted it about five minutes ago I got sexually assaulted last night and raped by Max and he told me not to tell anyone so I don't no why I'm telling you this and I don't want to really ever be touched by anyone again because I'm scared and I only make fun of draco now because I still love him but he cheated on me so I can't trust him everyone gasped and pansy handed me another drink I drank it and looked at everyone around me who was staring then blaise told me that pansy gave veritaserum I look at her what why did you do that she then explains you were so sad this morning and I wanted to no why I then look at Max who is looking dangerously at me oh no pansy what have you done you've made it worse I run out to my bedroom and grab the invisibility cloak and put it on I then start walking around when I come to Max he is storming around looking for me I quickly run to the edge of the forest and take the cloak of I see Max walking over to me so I let out a loud howl and several howls and sounds of running come running to me I stand up afraid and amethyst stands infront of me I notice that the co alpha isn't with them oh no he must of passed I let out a shed and the wolves stood infront of me as Max barged forward HOW DARE YOU TELL THEM WHEN I TOLD YOU NOT TO I wince I'm sorry I didn't mean to but they put me under veritaserum THAT DOESNT MATTER YOU WILL PAY he lunges forward at me and amethyst leaps forward and bites him YOU FUCKING MUTT he then kicks her and she falls down and the wolves rush over to help her AMETHYST I watch in horror Max then throws a fist at my eye and it starts bleeding I start begging him for forgiveness but he doesn't what will make you suffer I no he takes out his wand and moves his way to amethyst the wolves move forward to stop him but I tell them to move or they will get hurt they move and I go to amethyst leave her alone she did nothing to you he smiles I no but it will hurt you even more if she dies I look at him you wouldn't oh I would he then points his wand at her I look at her pain filled eyes I love you AVARDA KEDAVRA she gets hit by the green light ANETHYST NOOOOO I run over to her body there is no movement I stand up furious as Max is laughing I tell the wolves to wait with amethyst intill I get back I then storm up to him and he looks at my eyes your eyes are going red good I grab him by his shirt and walk to the greathall and barge in everyone staring at me I throw him on the floor DUMBLEDOOR SNAPE ANYONE KILL HIM dumbledoor stands up MUSS POTTER CALM DOWN I WILL NOT HE IS A RAPIST AND HE KILLED AMETHYST THE NERVE HE DID IT ON PURPOSE HE DESERVES TO FUCKING DIE I walk over to him and jump on his leg and it snaps then I move to his arm and jump extra hard on it he cries out in pain I left up his head NEXT TIME YOU EVER COME NEAR ME A GREEN LIGHT WILL BE THE LAST THING YOU SEE GOT IT NOW IM GOING TO GO BACK TO MY WOLF WHO YOU KILLED YOU MOTHER FUCKING CUNT I let go and turn to umbridege who is about to say something NO I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT MY LANGUAGE I then run out amethyst to see the wolves surrounding her waiting for me to come back I slowly make my way over to her and fall on my knees no no no no amethyst your ok your not dead your alive pls don't leave me you died for me pls don't leave I love you the wolves start howling and I take out my wand I move it around and black fog appears and a random mark appears in the sky I then use my wand to dig a deep grave a carefully put amethyst in there I then make sure that I put lots of flowers and I sit next to it I ask the others to leave me alone and they leave

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