chapter 19

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I suddenly feel my heart beat fast I open my eyes very dizzy I see the basillick tooth out and my arm wrapped up tightly dumbledoor walks in and smiles your alive thank merlin when harry walked in and I saw you you looked stuck between life and death young malfoy put quite a fight to get to you you I could see that he truly loves you I saw the pain in his eyes to see you like that you've been in a coma for a long time school start soon don't worry I paid for your school supplies and I bought you a special someone but savanna promise me to be careful this year I feel like you and harry will be in alot more danger then last year also Mr malfoy has been waiting outside for you so I shall leave you to alone as he left draco walked in he was quiet for a while then said are you ok you had me scared your heart stopped in my arms I thought I lost you don't do that again and I want you to be careful this year why us everyone saying that what happened while I was asleep well Sirius black escaped from aszcaban last week what but nonone can escape or ever has I no but it gets worse he's the one who told you no who where you parents were that night and he was your dads best friend I felt tears well up in my eyes he betrayed my parents they could be alive but no he had to betray them shit love don't cry I shouldn't of told you that love stop crying draco soon lifted my chin so I could look at him wow he had a mega glow up he was so hot he then leaned in and kissed me lightly I stopped crying there we go now your happy all thanks to you dray he started blushing you no you look cute when you blush stop saying that later that day I was aloud to leave and get ready and pack for school in a week I said by to draco and left to the dursleys

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