Chapter 1 - Pills

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"Heyheyhey everyone! Welcome back or welcome! To all the new people, I'm C/N, and thank you for checking out my channel!" I smile at the camera, trying my best to be enthusiastic.
"So today, we're going to be playing phasmophobia! My favourite scary game of all time! Unfortunately I do not have have friends to play with so I will just be doing singleplayer" I laugh at my own joke about not having friends, even though it's very much true. I don't have any connections to any other YouTubers, and I edit my own videos so the only 'human interactions' I get is when I'm shopping or when I'm live on twitch... kinda sad.
"Ok so, I've only played this like 5 times, and I'm still really shitty at it,  BUT BARE WITH ME-"

-time skip till after the video-

"Thank you all for watching! I hope you enjoyed the video, and if you did, don't forget to like and subscribe" smiling at the camera once more
I shut off the camera and stop the video. I'll edit it later, but for now I'm just going to take a break...
Getting up, I try my best not to get pass out because of lack of iron, and lack of food in general.
I should eat something
i haven't eaten in about a week
it's ok
everything's fine
Im still alive

As I get up, I look around for my keys. I spot them on my bookshelf, so I walk over there and grab them, then continue to leave my room and leave my house.
The keys jumble in my hand as I find the right key for my car, once I find it I push it into the lock and turn it. 
Soon enough im in the car and I've started it, and in a haze im driving down the road towards the in-town pharmacy.
You don't need your pills, you're fine.
"shut up" I mutter to myself and my mind
I turn the car into the pharmacy parking lot, and stop the car. Waiting in the car and shifting in my seat, wondering if I should change my mind or just get my pills.
"Fuck it" I sigh

I get out of my car and go inside, getting in a small line of only one other person signing their name on the pad. They grab their pills and go.
I step up to the counter and look at the pharmacist
"Um.. pills for- Y/n L/n.." I tell her, unintentionally stuttering
"Alright and your birthdate?"
"-insert your birthdate here-" (sorry)
"Ok, so you have the... Fluoxetine/Prozac for an anti-depression, and Diazepam/Valium for anxiety, correct?" She said a bit quieter as another customer walked in, so they didn't hear
"Correct" I repeated back to her

Once I get the pills and sign my name, I turn around to leave but accidentally bump into the man that came in earlier
I must've forgot he came in...
"Sorry about that" I say quietly
"Oh no worries, everything's all good" he smiled at me
he's- kind of cute-
"Hey do I know you from somewhere? You look familiar" he questioned
"Oh um I don't think we've met- anyways I- I got to go" I stuttered
"Alrighty, sorry if i kept you from something!" He apologized

Marks POV
He definitely looked familiar. But I'm not sure where from...
He is cute though, I will give him that
I felt myself smiling as I thought that
Oh wait!! Youtube!! A youtuber I watch sometimes, but what was his name oh my gosh-
I'll look for his channel later, but for now I have to get pills for my ADD...

{{ I hope you enjoyed the first chapter :) }}

Word count: 603

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