Chapter 5 - Jealousy

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~Couple weeks after Mark found out abt your s3lf h4rm~

Mark has been coming over a lot more, and I've had an amazing time with him

I've even had some youtube collabs with him in some of my videos, although for now I'm going to keep them privated since as soon as fans see both of their favourite YouTubers together, you get bombarded with questions and hate.

He makes me really happy, and I'm surprised he actually stayed around

Whenever I used to talk with my old friends, they were very... different... in the way they acted. But they all left, and Mark is still here

Suddenly I hear a knock at the door and start smiling because Mark said he was coming over again

Yes he did come over yesterday, but still! He makes me very happy

I walk over to the door and open it

"Hi!" I wave at Mark

"Hey Y/n! I brought some board games that we can play" He smiled at me and showed me a bunch of board games

I let him in and he puts the games on the coffee table

"I had another thought, maybe we could go get some coffee today before or after we play some board games?" He looked over at me with a thoughtful face
(I'm editing these chapters rq, but how tf does someone have a thoughtful face??? I'm questioning my writing abilities lol)

"Oh sure, of course, how about before the games? I haven't had coffee yet today, and I'm a bit thirsty" I smile


"I'm just gonna go change my clothes really quick, I'm still in my pajamas" I chuckle

"Yes sir" He says as he plops down on the couch

-time skip to when you get changed-

"Ok I'm ready! Let's go!" I say while walking out of my bedroom

"Alrighty, but I'm driving" He winks

Why the wink-

I could feel my face heating up a little because of the small wink

We walk out the door and he opens the door for me on the passanger side

"My lord" He says jokingly in a british accent

"Why thank you, good sir" I copy the accent and smile

He gets in on the other side and starts to drive

-yet another time skip, when you guys are at the coffee shop-

Once again, he opens the car door for me

"Heh thank you" I smile at him

"Anything for you Y/n" He says

my face starts heating up again slightly

It was just a joke, calm down

As he opens the door to the coffee shop, and we walk in a petite woman greets us from behind the counter

"Just give us a minute" He smiles at the woman

"Take all the time you need" She winked at him and then just ignored me, other than the fact she looked at me up and down in disgust

Do I look bad-? My mind starts filling with insecure thoughts

"What are you going to get Y/n?" He says while snapping my mind back to reality

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