Chapter 4 - Arms

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(TW btw, mentions of s3lf h4rm)

~a week later after what happened~

I look around while laying on my bed

it's already been a week since... what happened... I'm still very embarrassed about it, and me and mark haven't really talked much.

Well, he has been texting me a lot and checking in as well, but my responses have been very limited

Suddenly I hear a notification come up

Mark: Hey, I miss talking to you, you doing ok?


Me: mhm

Mark: are you sure..? thats all you ever respond with, and im really worried abt you

Mark: i care abt you and i miss you

Me: i miss you too

I really do, but I don't know what else to do, how would I even ask him to hang out with me...

Mark: well can i come over then? we can watch a movie or sumn, and i can bring snacks


guess I don't have to ask

Me: sure

I smile to myself but then stop as I start to look around again a little panicked

I haven't cleaned my house in a while and I kind of fell off the edge for a bit so it's a mess

Quickly getting up I rush to grab everything from the floor and put them in the right spot, and any monster cans go into the trash

Once my room is done, I hurry to the bathroom and start grabbing my razors and putting them in a black container and hide them on top of the cabinet, then start cleaning up the little bits of blood that was stained on the sink and counter


As I was putting the razors away and cleaning the dried blood, I remembered about my arms and so I ran to my room and grabbed a random oversized hoodie to put on

Just in case he was a bit earlier than expected, I didn't want him seeing my arms

As soon as I was done with that, I went into the living room and started picking up all the trash and putting it in the garbage

Suddenly I hear a knock on my door and rush over there, looking through the peep hole to make sure it is mark

It was

I let him in and greet him

"Sorry about the mess" a squeak comes out

"No worries, if anything it's actually cleaner than my house haha" He laughs and ruffles my hair

He sits on the couch and I grab the remote to turn it on, then give to him

"Pick any movie you want, I'm gonna make some chicken wings for us" I say

"Alrighty, also here's the snacks I brought" He smiled and pulled out a bunch of different candy packages

I thank him and grab them, go to the kitchen and grab a bunch of different bowls, open the packages and organize them all in the bowls

Putting them on the coffee table, I go back to the kitchen and start with the chicken wings

-Time skip until the chicken wings are done-

"There done, let me go get them" I get up, only 10 minutes into the movie

"Yes sir" He smiled at me

I open the air fryer and use tongs to put all the chicken wings on a large plate

I walk back over to the couch and place the plate of chicken wings on the coffee table

"Be careful there hot" I start scratching my arms nervously, not knowing if he would like them or not

"Don't worry I'm not that dumb haha- wait whats that?" He looks confused


"On your arm"

My eyes go wide and I start panicking, completely forgetting about my arms when I was scratching
Pulling my sleeves down, I just say "nothing.."

He stares at me very worried


I feel bad

"I- um-" was all I could mutter out

He carefully grabbed my arm and pulled the sleeve up, revealing all of the cuts

Looking back up at me he frowned

Not even saying anything, he just hugged me

Hugging him back, we just sat there for 5 minutes hugging each other while my tears start to slowly drip out of my eyes

"Y/n... you know I'm here for you, so please, whenever you feel like doing that, or feel like you need to do that, please come to me" He whispered in my ear as he gently rubbed my cuts

I tried to say thank you but I just started crying

Just like last time, I am once again crying in his arms

We both forgot about the snacks, food, and the movie

Once we let go of each other, he smiles at me kindly

"Would you like to continue the movie or another time?"

I felt bad, he came over here to watch a movie with me and ended up just having to hold me again while I cry

"We can continue the movie, i'm sorry"

"Hey no reason to be sorry, you did nothing wrong"

I look back to the movie and just start watching, suddenly I feel his arms around my waist and he starts pull me into his lap

My face starts turning red and I can feel my face heating up

He doesn't even say anything, he just rubs my arm gently and holds me

It's just our thing now I guess

I like it

Thank you mark

Word count: 909

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