Chapter 6 - Teasing

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(just assume every chapter is a week after the chapter before)

Finally comes the time to go to the pride parade as its in about 8 days

I still haven't decided, if anything I forgot about it with all of the challenges I've experienced

But Mark has helped me through it, and i'm really thankful for him

Suddenly I get a text

Mark: Hellooooo N/n(nickname)! u going to the parade?? :D

Me: omg how many times do i have to tell you not to call me that!!! >_>

Me: but idk yet, I still haven't decided- all my fans want me to go but idk...

Mark: you should definitly go :) also no!!! i will nOT stop calling you n/n mWaHhahaHahaha!!!

Me: >_>

Me: ok fine. i'll go

Mark: YAY!!!!

I laugh at his excitement

well, I guess i'm going to the parade then

Also means I should send out a tweet to my fans, so I'll do that

-small timeskip until after you send the tweet:)-

Once again you get a message from Mark, this time asking if he can come over for a bit to watch a movie, and obviously I say yes

I love it when he comes over, it's always so fun having him around

Anyways after I put my phone down I start cleaning up a bit and grab a bag of popcorn, put it in the microwave and put it in for 3 minutes and 40 seconds

What movie are we going to watch...


I grab my phone again and start texting Mark

Me: Stranger Things or IT?

(hint hint ;))

(Editing, FUCK DID I MEAN HINT HINT???? I am so confused)

Mark: Ooooh um how about IT?

Me: Alrighty!

I grab the remote, turn on the tv and go straight to IT without playing it yet

The movie IT (2017) is my most favourite movie of all time

-another smol time skip!-

You hear a soft knock on your door and you're quick to answer it

"Helloo" you say as you see Mark

Mark smiles and hugs you, as if you haven't seen each other in a while even though you hang out every day

A small blush forms on my face as I hug him back

"I made some popcorn" you tell him, as he's still hugging you

"Oh good, I really want popcorn right now" He laughs as he lets you go gently, and we both go to the couch

I open the bag and pass it to him

Honestly I'm not very hungry and popcorn fills me up quite a bit so I'm good-

"Are you going to have any?" He asks with a puzzled look on his face

"Nah I'm good, not that hungry anyways" I smile back at him

"Mk" He says as he stuffs a handful into his face

I laugh at him, what a goofball

Soon I grab a paper towel for him and he rubs all the butter from his hand off on it

He ruffles my hair as I grab the remote n play the movie

"Ack dude, you still have bUtter on your hands!" My voice cracks and I laugh while pushing his hand

"Come herrrreeee y/nnnnn~" he laughs while trying to ruffle my hair again

We continue to play fight for a little while until we both settle down while chuckling a little bit and continue watching IT

A couple minutes into the movie, at 6:21, Georgie meets pennywise

"NO DON'T TALK TO HIM, HE'S GONNA EAT YOU ALIVE STUPID" I yell even though I know he can't hear me

"Pfft, Y/n you seem very passionate about this movie already" Mark laughs at me

"I AM" my voice cracks as I say that

Mark laughs again and then grabs me by my waist, then pulls me into his lap

I can feel my face heating up, Mark seems to really like flustering me-

He starts ruffling my hair again, and when he stops he puts his arms around my waist entirely while we just watch

I like this a lot- except for that damned butter on his hand

-medium'ish time skip-

Soon enough the movie shows Henry Bowers and his gang, which just so happen to be the people I think are really attractive

minus belch

"Henry is kinda cute" I whisper

"uM ExcUSE Me?" Mark hears what I say

"Ha sorry, didn't know you were so jealous of who I find attractive" I say jokingly

When I turn to look at him he seems flustered and genuinly jealous

shit I didn't mean to upset him

"Nah, but I think I am VERY attractive, and much more attractive than him" He says proudly, trying to hid his jealousy

"Oh yes you are, very" I laugh, but not even lying

"Why thank you" He smiles, the jealousy seeming to slowly disappear

"Of course, my dear sir" I jokingly say

Suddenly he kisses the back of my neck and I start screeching like a pterodactyl

He starts laughing at me and does it again, getting a similar reaction

Once again, the teasing starts up again, just like last week

I don't mind it at all, but it's a little embarrassing

Mark squeezes me tighter with his arms, and nuzzles in head into the back of my neck

"Don't get too comfy, wouldn't want you falling asleep barely even halfway through the movie" I say jokingly, earning a small chuckle from him

The rest of the night after we finish IT, we continue to watch more movies, and continue to just cuddle
As well as him acting like a butter monster, I need to take a shower after this, gods mark

Word Count: 941

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