Chapter 3 - Food

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Authors note before we begin

Because of schoolwork, my job, AND mental health, not always will i be able to update this story every day, or every other day. I will try my best to update whenever i can, but dont get mad when i am unable to update it.

also fact i had to get food during this chapter because i was so fucking dizzy is a little ironic lol
And tw for eating disorder


I cant even get up without feeling dizzy, this isnt fair

well i guess it actually is, its my fault for not eating  for a week. I can go longer

everything is fine, just shut up you stupid bitch

worthless, cant even go a week without food? fucking imagine. go for longer.

I sigh and walk over to my computer to start a new video

Should i go to the pride parade? There might be some of my fans there which might be stressful, i have a lot of viewers, but I don't want to let them down. Maybe that will be the topic of the video, and once its uploaded i will check the comments and see what they think.


Markiplier: Hows it going :D

Me: good i think, just deciding whether or not I should go to the pride parade in the city near here in like a month.

Markiplier: omg you should totally go, im going there too so it would be nice to see a familiar face, wouldnt it? :)

Me: mhm

Me: I'm abt to record a video, i'll ttyl, ok?

Markiplier: Oh alright! I'll be sure to watch it when its uploaded :) have fun!

Me: aight

I put away my phone and get started on the video

-Time skip-

Finally the video is done and edited, and i just finished uploading. I will check the comments later, just gonna wait until the comments start piling in.

Suddenly my vision goes blurry and when i try getting out of my chair i fall to the floor

fucking dumb idea

My arms are weak, so getting up is going to be hard

I try again but its worse and i puke up some stomach acid inside my mouth and swallow it back down


my phone mustve fell with me because it was on the ground near me

i start panicking as my vision continues to get worse

Me: Mark i think i need help

Me: fuck

Me: i really fucked up this time

Me: -home address-


I can barely type now

Markiplier: Shit what?! oh god um- ok- im on my way

I heard the buzz from my phone but i cant see anything


Imagine asking somebody for help for something you did to yourself

fucking weak bitch

you couldve done better

cant even survive a week without food

the pain is getting worse

why cant i just be dead, then this wouldn't happen

Suddenly i hear someone barging into my room

"Shit! Y/n!" Mark panics

"it hurts" I whimper and start crying on the floor i grab my stomach with one hand and hit my leg with my other hand

"im so stupid, fucking hell" I continue


"Hey, nonono, stop hitting yourself. What happened to make this happen?" he tries to calm me down

"Havent eaten in week. Im stupid. im sorry" I cry

"You're not stupid Y/n, its ok, i'll get you some food ok? Don't worry, I'm here"

"im sorry, im sorry, im sorry" I keep repeating to him and cry even harder after hearing what he said

After a couple minutes he comes back in running with a sandwich, and tells me to eat it

I dont want to but i have too

He grabs my waist and pulls me into his lap, he holds me and feeds the sandwich to me

This is embarrassing, but it feels nice to be held

why am i like this...

"its ok" he whispers to me, trying to calm me down

its working

I finish half of the sandwich and i just stay there for a bit, slowly gaining my vision back and slowly feeling a bit better. I dont think i should eat the other half, too big for now, i need to build up how much i can eat. If i do it can be a bit dangerous.

He puts down the sandwich on a paper towel and he just holds me, and cradles me

this is nice

I just hug him as he lets me cry into his chest

"I'm so sorry" I whimper

"I promise you, Y/n, its ok, and its going to be ok"

"Don't worry, I'm here" he continues

this was a very hard-hitting chapter, as i have actually let me ED get so bad that this happened, minus the help of somebody.  Not only that but im also feeling that way a little rn, and i really need to get some food before i continue to the next chapter.

Word count: 835

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