Chapter 9 - Parade

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Finally we were in the centre of the parade, or well in the centre of people, we did just get here
I was so excited to be here, I've never been to a pride parade before, although I've never really came out about my sexuality until maybe a month ago
Which even then, people still don't know it except for myself, it's more of when I asked if I should go to the pride parade
But now when fans see me, they will see my flag, and hopefully not hate me for it although I don't know why they would since a lot of my fans are going to be here

Everyone around us dancing and holding signs and we join in
Born this way playing on every speaker I could see
Me and Mark walk with crowd and yell about how proud we are of ourselves while waving our flags
Both of us started giggling and dancing a little bit to the music

"I'm glad you're having fun" Mark chuckled while holding me as we dance

"Well I've never been to one before, I guess I never realized it would be this fun!" I beam, continuing to dance with him to the funky music

He smiles at me, then ruffles my hair for like the 10th time today and goes back to dancing and waving around his bisexual flag
It makes happy knowing he's also happy, he seems so free while waving around his flag, as he should be
Focusing on his facial features, I only now notice how beautiful he truly is
I know he's beautiful, I know he's handsome, but now that I'm studying his details even further, I realize that maybe all those feelings I have felt the entire time I've know him,

I realize that it's love

Whether I act on those feelings or not, I know it's true
Even if I conceal my love, I will continue to try to keep him happy as he has done for me
He's done so much for me, he saved me life, he makes me so happy
Honestly I have no idea if he would even reciprocate these feelings, and if I plan on telling him about them, I hope he does, but if he doesn't then I hope we can still continue to be friends, I couldn't bare the pain if I ever lost him

But for now, I'm just going to continue dancing with him, waving my flag, and going with the crowd of the parade

-hour timeskip-

Mark is joking about random things while I listen and laugh, as we continue to walk with the crowd
Somebody offers us some water and we both take it, a bit famished after walking for an hour or so
Suddenly after I take a sip, I notice people start closing in on me and Mark, yelling both of our channel names, it seems our fans have found us
I honestly forgot our fans would be here, and I hadn't realized that my fans crowding me would stress me out
Fans started asking for us to sign random things, I was being touched by fans which I absolutely hated, they were yelling in my ear
I tried my best to stay calm and just smile, signing everything I could, hugging the fans that asked even though I didn't like being touched by strangers, taking pictures with begging fans
This is the worst, I was having so much fun until they started crowding
Crowding was already bad for me, but because they weren't yelling my name and touching me, it wasn't as bad
But now fans have ruined my first pride parade because they do not respect people with large followings
Like we aren't even human

I start to hyperventilate, my breath becomes short, and my mind starts racing
Mark must've noticed because because he grabbed my hand and rubbed his thumb over my knuckle
Looking over at him with panic in my eyes, I can feel tears starting to form
We were having such a good time, why did they have to ruin it
My mind was going 100 miles an hour, my eyes started to go blurry, and my ears started to slowly go slightly deaf from the panic

Mark pulled me closed into a hug, and I assume he started talking to all the fans
I don't know what about,
But it seems they are started to back off a little
He rubbed my back gently and everything seemed to slow down and get a bit quieter
It took a little while, but I started feeling better as I nuzzle into mark chest, although a little embarrassed since it seems like we're dating with us doing this, but it doesn't seem like he minds

One of the fans comes up to me, without being loud or pushy

"Hey I'm sorry, none of us realized it would stress you out" they frowned with guilt

"It's ok" I mumbled while slightly looking at them but still being tucked into Marks chest

They all apologized, while taking turn to ask questions, so I answered, grateful that they finally weren't bombarding us
It was still a bit stressful, but not as stressful as before
Another fan came up to me after everyone else was done with their questions

"Are you and Markiplier dating?" He blushes while asking, it seems he's hoping we are, but i mean same

I clear my throat out of embarrassment, and I start blushing too
Looking up at Mark, I wonder what to say
We aren't really dating, but we definitely act like we do sometimes
So I don't know what to say, was all of his actions a way of slowly asking me? Was he just a natural flirt towards friends? I have no idea
He looks down back at me, as if he read my mind

"Who knows, maybe we are, maybe we aren't haha" he chuckles and ruffles my hair

Even more embarrassed and flustered, I rub my head into his chest again, not wanting people or even him seeing my crimson red blush that has formed on my cheeks
I hear a bunch of people awwing, not in a disappointed way but a "that's so cute" way, you know?
Finally the fans start leaving us alone, while only a couple stay near us but don't bother us
We started walking again, although this time I keep my flag on my back like backpack and Mark has his in his pocket with the flag still able to be seen

It was quite embarrassing having a panic attack, but at least Mark was there to help like usual
To be completely honest, the last time I had a panic attack was only a couple days after me and him met, so it felt a bit weird having a panic attack for the first time in a long time
But I'm glad I'm not having as many panic attacks anymore, they are the worst
For now, let's just keep walking with the parade and forget this happened

[word count: 1185]

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