Chapter 2 - Motivation

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I don't want to get up
it's worthless
What's the point

The bed creaks every time I make a small move, what an annoying sound...
My phone buzzes, a notification pops up on the screen. I don't want to check, I honestly don't care.
I sigh and grab my phone, and check what it says
"Markiiii- markipliieer?"
I open the notification, it's from Instagram. It's a message from markiplier, whoever that is

Markiplier: hey! Are you the person I met at the pharmacy yesterday?


Me: idk maybe, why

Markiplier: im a fan of your channel, and honestly never would've thought that I would meet you in person :p

Me: glad you like my channel, thank you for watching my videos :)

Me: sorry if I came off a bit rude when you first messaged me

Markiplier: no worries, I understand, new person you don't know randomly messages you on Instagram lol

Me: yeah

I smile a bit
not like I usually do, it was a real smile
he's nice
but don't trust him too easily, he might end up being the same as everyone else
The smile fades remembering everything that happened before.
Ugh just let me be happy

We talk a bit more, and I'm happy for a bit

-time skip-

When we stopped talking I decided to finally edit the video. It took me a whole day...
I uploaded it, and it already has 5k views and 4.6k likes
I don't even care anymore
by tomorrow it's going to have like 450k views or more
it's like a prison for me, with a continuous void of posting videos, earning money I don't even need, giving like 90% of it to charity since I literally have no use for it, and then repeat.

i lay on my bed and stare at my ceiling
all of it is worthless
im worthless
i could just end it all
my face is wet with tears, but the thought of me being gone makes me laugh for some reason
maybe later

A notification pops up on my phone

Markiplier: I just watched your new video, I really like it! Although you looked really sad in it, you doing ok?


Me: yeah I'm fine dw

Markiplier: alright... well I'm here for you if you need me :)

Me: thank you

Once again, we talked for quite a bit
I found out he has a YouTube channel, must be why his user is Markiplier. 
I open YouTube and search up his user
Clicking his channel, I press on a "3 scary games" video.

-Time skip-

Um I might've gotten caught up watching his videos
He's really funny, and- also attractive-
I've already seen him before, but he's like really  attractive
Though I believe he has a girlfriend
Why would that matter, what the hell!
I don't like him like that, I've only known him for like a day
What is wrong with me
Just shut up

(small authors note, im going to make it so that mark doesnt actually know amy and doesnt meet her, but you my dear reader, are still going to believe he has a girlfriend :))

Word count: 529

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