Chapter 13 - Comforting Silence

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I sat on the couch, my body trembling slightly as I tried to process the events of the day. Tears stained my cheeks as my eyes were red and swollen. My once-warm home had been tainted with pain and fear when my dumb abusive parents did what they did, simply because of the fact I have a boyfriend. Mark had been by my side throughout the whole fight. As Mark sat beside me as he wrapped his arms around me, providing a source of comfort. The silence within the living room was heavy yet reassuring. The only sounds that filled the air were the sounds of our shared breaths and the calming rhythm of both of our hearts beating.

I could feel Mark gently trace his fingertips along my arm, his touch conveying the reassurance that words wouldn't have been able to express. I looked him in the eyes, Mark looking back at me with a soft and gentle gaze. I could see kindness in his eyes, yet sadness and understanding. I never really told him about my parents, and their abusive ways, but he still knew how much this affected me. It was clear to him now that they are, which is a weight lifted off my shoulders so that I wouldn't have to tell him. Eventually we will have to speak of this, possibly I would have to go back to therapy, and I was clearly getting a restraining order against them, however for now sitting in silence with Mark is all I could ask for right now

As the afternoon sun graced the living room window, the atmosphere transformed into a sanctuary of healing. Mark sensed the need for a temporary escape from the harsh reality of what had happened, as he had reached for a nearby remote, slowly turning on the tv and putting on the movie Mulan. It didn't really matter if we watched it or not, but it was still comforting to have a movie on, especially when I sat in Marks arms.

I felt comforted as Mark held me gently, not making a sound. He placed a small kiss on my forehead before he pulled me into his lap and we turned to watch the movie. There was no need for any words, it was peaceful now.

As we continued watching the movie, Mark never left my side, or rather I never left his lap- I was never really huge on physical touch, usually too afraid it would end up like my parents hurting me, but with Mark I knew that I would be ok. And although I am still somewhat fragile mentally, and still recovering, I allowed myself to be enveloped by the love and serenity that Mark had offered me

The hours passed, and the movie slowly ended, a random movie playing after that we weren't even watching. The evening sky brushed dark hues across the canvas of my living room. I was no longer stressed, and I was even slowly falling asleep in Marks arms, hearing the hum of his breath, and the beat of his heart. I wasn't even facing the tv anymore, I was facing Mark, as I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck

Soon enough, I could feel myself drifting off to sleep in his arms, and Mark himself could feel me falling into a deep slumber. He rubbed my back gently and kissed my forehead once again before whispering

"I love you Y/n"

"Don't worry, I'm here"

And with that, I slowly fell asleep in Marks arms


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