Chapter 12 - Unexpected Guests

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Tw: abuse homophobia (including slurs), fighting, and yelling (a very scary situation, please read with caution)

My eyes started to flutter open, and as soon as I woke up I start wondering if everything that happened was real, not knowing truly if Mark was actually my boyfriend or if I completely imagined all of that.
I propped myself up by my elbows that sat up completely as my eyes scanned around the room sleepily
Then I see Mark coming out of the bathroom with no shirt on and I immediately look away embarrassed, and he noticed right away

"Aw- Y/n it's ok, you know you're allowed to look when I'm shirtless" he flirted "I mean I am your boyfriend now and all"

Sighing with relief that it was all real, I throw a pillow at him jokingly

"Hmph yeah I know, just didn't expect it-" i huffed with embarrassment showing on my face very clearly

He softly smiles then walks over to me and ruffles my hair "good morning by the way"

"Ah- good morning" I replied

Mark kissed my forehead then sat beside me and looked at me

"Quick question, do you want to stay for more pride parades or would you rather go home?" Mark asked

"I think I would rather go home, yesterday was a bit stressful" I mumbled

"Alright, then let's get packed up so we can go home" he smiled "do you want any breakfast here or a restaurant?"

"I'm not that hungry to be honest, but I will eat a hashbrown from McDonald's so I don't starve" I joked

He nodded and started packing up the his clothes although there wasn't much to pack since we were only here one night, and I started packing up as well
While I did enjoy most of the pride parade, I don't think I could handle anymore social interaction except from Mark, my social battery is running very low
I wouldn't say I was disappointed with the pride parade or the fact we only stayed one day, but it definitely could've been a bit better
But it's all fine
My mind snaps out of my random thoughts and I close my suitcase and wait for mark to get his hairbrush from the bathroom

"Alright, you ready?" He asks as he walks out of the bathroom


"Alrighty, let's goooo!"

He grabs my hand that's not on my suitcase handle and he opens the door before he grabs his suitcase

"After you~" he flirts

I giggle and walk through the door, then grab his hand again as we walk down the hallway to the lobby
We walk up the hotel worker at the front desk and give them our room key and we leave
Once we get to the car, Mark opens the door for me acting like a prince or something which flustered me a little, even though he's done that so many times it still flusters me
He gets in on the other side and he starts driving to McDonald's to get us both a hashbrown

Once we get there and get to the drive in, the worker says "Hello, what can I get you this morning?" In a sweet voice

"2 hashbrowns please, that will be all" Mark said kindly

"Alright that will be $3.45, please pull up to the window"(idk how much those cost sorry)

He pulls up the window and pulls out his wallet, grabbing the $3.45, and giving it to the worker
We wait a little while until we get 2 hot hashbrowns

Mark starts driving away whike handing me my hashbrown, and takes a bite of his own

"A h a a h a that's hot" he mutters

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