Chapter 7 - Hotel

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Finally the pride parade is here!

well, its tomorrow but basically the same thing

Both me and Mark live about a couple hours away, so he's going to be driving us there and we're gonna get a hotel near the parade until its over

This is gonna be the first time i've ever been to one, so I hope it won't be too stressful

I know that Mark is going to be there and is going to help me and guide me, but it's still a new place so its still going to be stressful

I pack a bunch of stuff in a suitcase, like comfy clothes, some fancy'ish clothes, hygiene stuff, and one of my comfort plushies

(Can be any plushy that you find is a comfort plushy to you, but if you cannot I will give you two other choices for an idea :))

(Can be any plushy that you find is a comfort plushy to you, but if you cannot I will give you two other choices for an idea :))

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Mark is downstairs waiting for me, so I'm trying not to be too long

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Mark is downstairs waiting for me, so I'm trying not to be too long

I close the suitcase and grab the handle, n start walking into the living room

"Alright, I'm done packing" I smile at Mark, who already had his suitcase packed

"Great lets go!" He smiles back

He has a cute smile...

Aaah what am I thinking!!

We both go out of the house and get to his car, putting our suitcases in the back of his car

"Pretty boys first~" He coos at me while opening the passenger seat door for me

"Thank you good sir~" I smile at him while blushing slightly

-smol timeskip, still in the car driving there-

(Editing, why the hell did I say smol, it's equivalent to saying orbs for eyes lmfao)

It's 10:44 right now, I might just fall asleep while Mark drives

We're about an hour and a half away from the hotel, but I'm really tired

I yawn which earns a small glance from Mark

He grabs my hand to hold it and starts rubbing my knuckle with his thumb

"You can sleep, its ok, the hotel is pretty far away" He says quietly, but enough for me to hear

"Are you sure-? I feel bad, because you're driving and I'm the one thats tired for some reason..." I whisper, but loud enough for him to hear

"Don't worry, it's all good" He smiles at me and squeezes my hand gently

I smile at him, and get comfy so I can fall asleep

-time skip-

Mark wakes me up once we get to the hotel, and we both get out with our stuff and go inside to the front desk

"Hello, how can I help you?" the front desk person asked

"Hello, um, do you have any more rooms available? We're here for a couple nights" Mark asked

"Let me check" The employee smiled at us

"Unfortunately we only have one bedroom, will that be ok?" The employee comes back and asks us

I turn to Mark, and he turns to me, realizing we should've called ahead and gotten a reservation
"Um it should be fine" Mark says while turning back to the employee
The employee smiles at us and gives Mark the key to our room

We both walk around the halls, looking for our room
"Found it" I whisper yell, trying not to wake people up
Mark starts walking toward me, and then opens the door with the key
It's a pretty decent hotel room

I put my suitcase on the side of my bed
"I'm gonna take a shower, ok?" Mark says gently
"Alright, I think I'm just gonna go to bed so wake me up if you need anything" I smile at him
Soon enough he gets in the shower and I'm laying in bed

-small timeskip-

Mark is out of the shower and drying off and I'm kinda just laying on my bed with my eyes closed
I'm really tired but can't seem to fall asleep
Usually I do have nightmares and try to keep myself awake so that might be another reason, since I just got used to keeping myself awake on purpose

"Y/n, you awake-?" I hear Mark whisper, trying not to wake me up if I am asleep

"Hm?" I hum and open my eyes to look at him

"Oh sorry did I wake you-?" He says, looking a small bit worried

"No you didn't, just having a hard time sleeping is all" I whisper back

"Ah ok-" Mark looks relieved after knowing he didn't wake me up

"So uh, can I sleep with you?" Mark looks back at me

"Oh, why? Is all ok?" My face turns a light pink from the question

"Yeah all is fine, just wondering because you said you had a hard time sleeping and maybe I could help" he winks jokingly and chuckles

"Oh my gods mark haha, but yeah sure" I smile and the light pink blush starts turning a deep red

He smiles at me and he slowly gets in my bed behind me

Once he's under the covers, he grabs my waist and holds me as he tries to fall asleep
And it works, he's asleep in only a couple minutes
Soon enough I can feel myself falling asleep
Goodnight Mark

Word Count: 860

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