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just a trigger warning for everyone reading this,
it is going to contain:
Eating disorder
Mental breakdowns & panic attacks
Self harm

Originally I was just making this story for myself, because of the lack of "markiplier x male reader"s, and so I'm basing the character on myself in a lot of aspects, but it is now going to be public. Still going to be based on myself in ways, just so you guys know

Also, because this story is very much based on mental illnesses, the format of the story is going to be how it is for a person with these disorders, how it feels, how it is, the thoughts that goes through peoples heads(people like me). Similar to another "ego" i guess you could say, constantly beating you down mentally

i hope you guys enjoy the story

Suicide prevention hotline:

Trevor project counselor:

Remember you are loved

I am editing this real quick, if you are female, or identify as female, do not read this story
I am not just asking,I am telling
And if I see ANY comments saying "oh well I'm just a girl, and I only like x male readers haha", I will fucking block you, I am not kidding
Wattpad has a problem with females reading x male readers when there is plenty of x female readers
This story and any of my future stories is NOT yaoi, it is simply a story for gay people to enjoy because we have almost nothing next to you
I don't think I personally have this problem right now as there is only a couple people reading this but I know that my stories reach bigger audiences, there will inevitably be a female reading this
Yaoi is fetishization of gay men, it is NOT support. Literally no gay man is comfortable with women fetishizing them
I do not give a shit if I hurt your feelings, females are NOT welcome on my page
People that are welcome on my page are trans men, non binary people, cis men, etc whom are gay, pan, bi, etc (people that do NOT have she/her pronouns in any case, so no she/they, no she/he/they, etc)

(Also for the she/he/they and she/him, it's a little iffy... however i will allow it for now until I think more about it. HOWEVER. If I see ANYTHING to do with yaoi and fujoshi... you will be blocked)

Don't worry, I'm here [Markiplier x M! reader]Where stories live. Discover now