Chapter 10

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Tell me you want me and I'll give you the world   -   Leila

I step out of the shower and let my hair down. I get startled when I see Zane at the door. "Hey... Need something?" I ask her and stroll to the walk-in closer.

"Yeah... I uh... I came here to talk... But I... Umm... I can go..." She says.

"It's ok, sit down. We're married aren't we?" I ask but don't expect an answer since it was an obvious question that has an obvious answer. I hear her walk through the room to the bed in the middle of the room, 10 or so feet from the closet and bathroom. I choose my clothes after putting on undergarments. I walk out with my clothes of choice and wait for her to start talking.

I slip on my pants, which are simply a pair of short shorts. "You wanted to talk, so talk," I say amused by the fact she's looking anywhere but at me. I know just how good I look. The sports bra that ends just above my ribcage, the tattoos scattered across my skin with red ink. The shorts barely covered my ass, my thighs looking amazing with the body oil lathered on them. Just because I'm masculine presenting doesn't mean I shouldn't care about taking care of my skin.

My hair was still wet from the shower and falling perfectly over my shoulders and back. The few odd drips of water slide down my pale skin. I know just how good I look. And now, so does she.

"I umm... C-can we try again?" She asks obviously flustered. Aw, all that confidence... Where is it now? Now, that's what I call toxic masculinity.

"Why should we?" I ask taking a step towards her. "This doesn't mean anything. Right?" I say back the words she said to me. "This is just business. Or, am I missing something?" I ask her. By now I'm right next to her. I hook my hand under her chin. Forcing her to look me in the eyes. Her eyes gaze up my body, from my legs to my toned stomach, up to my chest, and she lingers on my lips. And finally, my eyes.

Her face is flushed. Cherry red. I can practically hear her heartbeat pick up.

"B-because... We are married... A-and I want to t-try..." She tells me. I hum and make a full act of thinking about it. Of course, I want to. But, after months of being ignored, why should I give her a chance after all the shit she's put me through?

"Hmm... And till now, you didn't want to try?" I ask her looking into her eyes.

"I-I did... I don't have an excuse for acting like an ass..." She says. I nod.

"If, if I give you a chance. What will you do?" I ask her. "What will I get out of it?" Another heartbreak? Another broken promise? More lies? I want to ask. But I don't.

"I-I promise you, I'll make you happy. I'll do everything in my power to make you happy." She practically begs.

"So you want me?" I ask her. She opens her mouth and closes it a few times. "Say it, Zane. It's no shame to express your feelings." I push.

"I want you..." She whispers but I hear it loud and clear.

"What was that? I didn't hear you." I tease her


*Gay gasp* What will happen now? DRAMA lol


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