Day Three:Graveyards and Sleeping

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Franks POV*

Ever since our chat in the bathroom Gerards been following me around all day

I'm don't really care though. Its his first day he nearly got killed in the halls and I'm the only person who hasn't been a complete douche to him, so of course he's going to cling to me like a lost puppy.

He doesn't talk to me and I don't really try to talk to him. Which is actually nice considering I don't talk to people much, I wouldn't be able to hold up a conversation anyway.

School ended and we just kinda went our seperate ways, which was a little dissapointing. He seems like a nice guy.

I was halfway home when i walked passed my favorite spot.

The Cemetery.

Don't ask me why but the thought of decomposing skin and dusted old bones grazing the silk lining of a coffin made standing on mud much more beautiful.

I made a b-line for the entrance, no one will notice if I'm home late.

The place smelled like tree decay and booze, which probably sounds horrid but its quite suiting for a cemetery.

I walked up to the gravestone and ran my fingers along the name.

"Hey dad, hows today? Anyone steal my stash"

I reached behind the marble rock and grabbed the half empty beer bottle from under a pile of leaves. I opened the cap up and hugged it down before throwing it at a random tree.

"I hope you r buddy isn't buried over there, tell his ghost not to haunt me"

I sat next to the grave and just started mummbling about things

Random things.

School work.

"And I met this boy, he was pretty cool. We didn't talk that much"

I stared at the gravestone

"He had a bad encounter nearly died now he's scared to talk to anyone. Thats why"

I talked to-basically- myself for a while I had a tendancy to talk to nothing. Probably the only reason I still need a Psychactrist, Im just lonely that's all.

Let a boy talk to a tree once in a while.

I laughed a bit at my own dumbass joke and fell asleep

Buzzing and a little happy

"Just sleep, just sleep. JUST SLEEEEPP!"

I fluttered my eyes open a bit, no matter how amazing it sounded I wasn't in the mood for a ghostly lullaby.

Then it happened, I felt the pain wrap around my neck and i was finally wide awake. Someone was grabbing my neck and squezzing.


"Do you ever get these terrors?"

The voice whispered in my ear. I tried to turn my head to see who it was. But the hand on my neck had a tight grip and I was pined against the gravestone.

The hand let go and i breathed in heavily sucking in all the air I could.

Before I could even think of moving a pair of arms wrapped around me and hugged me from behind.

"You're no fun, I try and strangle you and you just sit there half drunk and relaxed"

It giggled and licked my neck.

I screamed and immediately pulled out of its grip. Trying to run before whatever the hell its was got anymore ideas.


Im not insane, Just in love [Frerard]Where stories live. Discover now