Day Two:Silence and Wrist Slits

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I was jittery as hell all morning, "See you tommorow" what the hell does that mean. Is the voice gonna come back, is it gonna be in human form this time. Is some guy in a suit gonna go all inception on me

"Your having a dream right now but your awake, so its a dream with in a dream. I myself am I dream, and I'm also dreaming of me being a dream"

Ow that hurt to think about.

I walked to my locker and slowly opened it hoping some decapitated head didn't fall out.

No head, just alot of band posters.

The Beatles

Pink Floyd


Blink 182

Gwen Steffani....

Hey don't judge,she rocks it

I grabbed my math book and closed my locker and turned around slowly. It feels like I'm waiting for a jumpscare

And its probably gonna come when i le-

"Can you help me"

I shreiked a bit and hit my head against my locker, as if I wasn't sore enough already

I turned and saw some preppy cheerleader just standing there smacking her gum, my god chew with your mouth closed

"Excuse me?"

I asked, wondering why a PREP is talking to me

"Where's the library"

She said twisting her pontail in her fingers

Spell library and I'll tell you.

I pointed behind her "End of the hall,turn right. Big sign that says Library"

She just nodded and look down, snickered and walked off.

What's her deal, besides the pound of makeup that's probably hurting her face

Other than that I don't don't see what's so funny

I just shook my head and walked away, the bell rang and the halls suddenly filled with kids rushing to class. Then there was the kids who just didn't give a fuck and stood in the halls commenting on every poor soul that walked by.

It was mostly quiet til a loud scream came from behind me, I turned around to see some girl staring horrifies at the ground.

"Oh my god there's blood everywhere"

I looked in her direction and there was a liitle puddle of blood on the floor.

Right next to my locker, I looked in fear at my arm that was hidden by my jacket and saw a small stream of blood gliding down my hand

Shit my cuts opened up.

I ran quickly too the bathroom hoping that no one could track the blood to me, but with my luck there probably laughing there ass off at how stupid I am.

I pushed open the door and ran to the sink. I pulled up my sleeve, it was bad.

Blood was smeared all over my arm and my cuts where bleeding really badly.

I ran my arm under some warm water and cringed a bit, the sprays of water stung when they hit my skin, and the red fluid draing down the sink was a bit sickining, when my arm was clean I turned off the water and got some paper towels from the dispenser and wrapped them around my arm hoping the pressure would stop the bleeding.

Sometimes I wonder why I do this.

Then I remember, because I'm depressed and i don't have anyone to stop me. I just kinda sat on the floor for a while

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