No more days, just constant chatter

182 15 11

I don't know what hurts more the fact that Frank just left like that, or the fact that I'm just staring at a piece of paper that I could completely ignore or praise it.

I have a phone number, I say in relationship status were at 70%

Not where I would like to be, what can I say I fall hard for people. And with Frankie I fell ten times faster.

But sadly he ran out of my room just as fast, I sigh and decide to go for it. I pull out my phone and type in the number

To Frank: Hey


I didn't know what else to say, I didn't know if i should say anything. I over think to much is my problem like right now.

I played on my bed and shut my eyes for a bit, thinking about everything at once. I thought about school, about my science project.

But mostly I thought about Frank. How he could play guitar, how good of a kisser he was. How much we had in common. And then I sighed again and checked my phone.

To Gerard: Gee I'm sorry I had to leave, family stuff and all. Wanna hang out tomorrow?

I couldn't help but smile, part of me still didn't believe that someone this amazing would talk to me. And the other part is to busy screaming with joy.

To Frank: Yeah, sounds fun. But maybe not and all


Before I could put my pone down it immediately buzzed again.

To Gerard: I actually know the perfect spot, how to you feel about cemetarys?

Honestly I fucking loved them, there's to many songs I have written involving them, but that's another topic to discuss later.

To Frank: Sounds awesome, I love them


I set my phone down and smiled for the thousandth time today, he makes me so happy. Not that i was miserable before. I've just been lonely for all my life. Kids never seemed to like me. Me and Mikey used to be really close but when dad left we seemed to grow apart. I feel like he knows I'm gay, he knows me better then anyone else. I feel like he can sense it, and if he anything like mom it would be horrible. I would either be disowned or shot. Lovely family aren't we.

My phone went off and i picked it up blushing when I stared at the screen

To Gerard: Great, there the best place to be alone. ;)

*Franks POV*


Yes I just sent that and I'm smirking while doing it, because one Gerards hot. Two I know he's probably blushing so bad right now. And that's also hot.

All in all I enjoy messing with him... in a good way that is

"God you two make me sick, you've only known each other two days and you're already all over him"

From the corner of my eye I saw him, I don't what the fuck else to call him so I'll call him. HIM

He was sitting on my desk checking his nails

"Your so gay"

"Really, I don't think you have any room to talk mister"

He glared at me and went back to his little manicure.

"Ao when are you gonna fuck off already"

It got silent, he stopped and looked at me for a bit before smirking.

He jumped from my desk and walked over to the edge of my bed

"I'm not going anywhere" he picked up my phone "but this fucktwat is, and the sooner you realize that the better. I'm all you need Frankie" he tossed my phone in the air and i jumped a bit to grab it, when. I went to look back he was gone.

I'm getting real sick of.....

Well me technically

Whatever the hell this thing is I mad it and I just have to fucking deal, but the death threats to my boyfriend are a major no.


To Gerard: Hey Gee screw "hanging out" tomorrow

To Frank:.....what?....

To Gee: Yeah... lets make it a date

To Frank:You mean?

To Gee: Yes, Gerard will you go out with me, be my boyfriend?

And again I return with a shitty update, let me know down in the comments if I should continue with this story, like I have the whole story figured out. I just want to know if anyone actually likes this story


Im not insane, Just in love [Frerard]Where stories live. Discover now