Day Five:Guitar Strumming and Kissing

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AN: to anyone confused as to why the titles are in days even though the story's hasn't been that long. Iyptll make sense later. Enjoy

*Gerards POV*

After the little mishap with the whole chair thing. And having to explain how "active" my brother is. Ew. Me and Frank have been working in my room for about 30 minutes now. And. You could literally die at the amount of awkward in here. You couldn't even call it work.

I'm basically just sketching pumpkins and skeletons on paper.

And dumbass over there has been reading the same paragraph in the science book for 15 fucking minutes.

I thought Frank was different, but he seems to hate me like everyone else. He was nice yesterday. Maybe he just woke up on the "douche" side of the bed.

Every time I would try to even look at him he would shrink down in his seat like my eyes are gonna stab him. I just want to go over there and yell at him until he tells me what the hell his problem is.

OK maybe I'm being to hard, maybe he has social anxiety.

But he was really friendly yesterday and he's the one who talked the most.

Or maybe he's bi-polar.

Or maybe I'm just that awful, no one wants to talk to me. Even if they seem friendly. It just took him a day to realize how much of a fuck up I am.

Or maybe... No

He couldn't have

Could he?

"Hey Gerard, where's the glue" I got out of my daydreaming and saw Frank searching through my bin of art supplies.

"Oh its actually in the closet, the top rack"

He sighed and opened my closet, Glaring at the top shelf.

"Your house isn't "fun sized" friendly"

I fought the urge to laugh at his joke, but i was suppose to be angry at him right? I didn't want to be angry.

I just rolled my eyes and walked to the closet grabbing the glue, I tossed him the bottle and just went back to my sketching.

Well my pathetic attempt to sketching.

*Franks POV*

Gees been mad at me


Screw it, its easier to say. But i don't know why he's angry.

OK so maybe I am avoiding him like the plague, but I'm still a bit shaken. But this Gerard and the other one seem different.

I need time to think this through.

"Um, bathroom?" He looked up from his picture and glared at me

"Upstairs, find it yourself"

Ouch, okay I guessed I deserved that.

I just nodded and headed upstairs and gave the recliner a dirty look.

Nasty chair

I opened the first door glad that I was facing the bathroom.

I'm good at finding stuff in this house.

I sighed and looked in the mirror, frowning at my lack of peircings.

But that's not important, I need to figure out how to make it work with Gerard. He's the only person I've managed to get along with. And i treat him like dirt all because of a more then likely drunk mishap in the cemetery.

Im not insane, Just in love [Frerard]Where stories live. Discover now