But does anyone notice, but does anyone care

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*Franks POV*

"Hey you mind if i stay the night" it was starting to get late. Neither Mikey or Gerards mom was home yet, and I didn't feel like walking halfway across town at night in New Jersey. Nope

Gerard just eyed me weirdly "I don't know....it seems a bit weird"

"Well....yeah I guess it is weird" I stared at the ground for a bit. I knew it was a weird and stupid question to ask.

"Its not that i don't want you to stay!" Gerard nearly shouted "just, I'm worried about my mom and all. You'd sleep upstairs right?"

"Oh yeah, I wouldn't like sleep in your bed. That'd just be weird" I was planning on sleeping on the couch or something, but the thought of sleeping in his bed was now in my mind. And it wasn't a bad idea either.

We stayed in silence for a while until we heard a car pull into the garage upstairs. The basement was directly below the garage and i felt like the car would fall right through the ceiling the way it creaked.

That's the only bad thing I see about sleeping in Gerards room.

"Aww Gee do I have to leave" I shot him a pouty look and he just laughed.

"OK, OK I'll ask" he got off the bed and walked towards the door "and remember, be straight"

Before I could give him a -more than likely- smartass reply he closed the door and headed upstairs.

All I could think about is how weird it was for me to as him that. Just so blunt, hell this morning I was scared to come near the guy for fear of my life. But a song, kiss and a conversation later. I'm starting to realize that not only is he quite attractive


But he's actually really nice.

But then again there's the whole "I barely know you deal" so its not official yet. But that doesn't mean that where availible either. Right?

No ones gonna have my Gee.

And yes sounding like a obsesive teenage girl is part of the whole dating thing.

I deserve this right.

*Gerards POV*

"He wants something, he actually came out of the cave" I shot Mikey a glare. He was sitting at the kitchen table eating a poptart. Why? Because he's weird and a sugar junkie.

"He's even giving me the evil eye, he's gonna curse me"

"Mikey shut your mouth!"

"Gerard, Mikey what's going on?" My mom came in and got between us before the blood shed came.

"Gerard wants something stupid probably" he shoves the rest of the pop tart in his mouth "I'm gonna go to my room"

My mom sighed "Micheal James Way, how many times do i have to tell you-" before she could finish I could hear Mikeys door slam.

But i couldn't care less about him or my mom right now, I was just wondering about Frank and tonight. Maybe I was a bit to harsh saying he couldn't sleep in my room, but i do have to set some boundaries especially with my mom in the house.

Oh god my mother.

"Hey mom?"

Before she had the time to reposnd to me Frank came running up from upstairs crying.

"Frank are you OK?" My mom went rushing over to him but he slapped her away.

"I'm sorry Mrs Way i...I have to go" he ran out the door before anyone had time to protest or say anything.

"So Gerard what did you want?" My mom asked

I could feel myself start to tear up a bit.

But i had to hold it back.


*Franks POV*


Maybe it was weird to ask Gerard if I could sleep over. The more than I thought about it, I knew it was weird. But he's the first person I've met who's not a complete asshole. I mean I've been a loner my whole life, well at least that's what my non crazy side of my brain is saying.

Then there's this asshole.

"Frankie you can't just ignore me" my little figment of mine was bugging me. You would think because its all in my head that it would be easy to get rid of. But its actually harder, the more I try to get rid of him the more he shows up. So i just decide to ignore him.

The weirdest part is that he looks like Gerard, and that's what worries me the most. Is this a signal from my brain. A giant conscience flag saying that Gerards bad news?

"Ah its adorable how you try and figure things out, while that boy upstairs is deffinitly trouble. You're not quite on track"

I looked up from the spot to see him looking through drawers. But he's not real I'm just imagining it.

"You're annoying you know that right?"

"But I'm damn sexy, and you can't really deny that without insult Geetard up there now can you" he smirked and continued with his talking.

"Oh Frankie, why do you do that to yourself?"

"What" I asked....myself really. He just pointed to me and when I looked down I wanted to scream. My cuts opened up again.

When i saw them I felt the pain and grasped my hand around my arm. Should I look for bandages here?

No what if they don't have any. And I can't let Gerard see me like this, he'll deffinitly think I'm useless and hate me.

I grabbed a paper and pen from the desk next to his bed and wrote down a excuse for why I left and my number.

Then I ran, and I felt terrible.

*end of flashback*

When i got through my door I ran straight to my bathroom and pulled out my bandages. I ran water on my arm and quickly wrapped it up.

Note don't cut to deep next time, next time?

That question popped up again. Why do i do this?

Simple, my life sucks, I have no one to stop me. And its the only thing that gives me feeling. I wouldn't say I'm depressed because depressed itself is a emotion. And i feel nothing this is the only thing that makes me feel alive. That makes me feel human.

But my life's changed a bit, I have a boyfriend now.

Well soon to be boyfriend, we haven't made it official yet.

But still, with someone that i actually care for. Maybe this can stop. He actually made me feel happy. I was happy, I actually felt so maybe I don't need to cut anymore.

But he can never find out about this. Or else he'll leave me. And even though I haven't known him for long. He's the only person I've ever had. I don't want to lose that.

After I collected my thoughts together I put away my stuff and walked to my room and climbed in my bed.

I need to sleep

To just forget everything. And hopefully when i wake up this will all be a dream. Except for meeting him.

AN:short and fillerish. I apologize for being gone I had my computer taken away so I'll try to update alot this month to make up for my hiatus

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