new kid

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Griffins POV: as I wake up I hear my dad yelling at me to get him another beer. *god why can't he just be normal like he was before why is it me with the messed up parents* I thought.
As I got my dad another beer I rushed out the door. Crap I'm gonna be late for school, wait it's not like anyone is gonna notice I am invisible after all. As I walked to school I saw a boy one that I've never seen before. He had sandy blonde hair and beautiful eyes he was gorgeous. I suddenly snapped out of my thought as I felt a newspaper hit me in the face🥲. "Ouch that fucking hurt you bitch watch where you're throwing it next time" I said. But he was to far away riding his bike to hear me.

As I walked into the class, I sat down. "So nice to see you've joined us griffin" I heard the teacher say. "Yea sorry I slept in late."
"Anyways class today we will have a new student joining us his name is, billy showalters." "Do you mind introducing yourself?." I heard the teacher say. I was to busy laying face down on my desk to even care what he looked like. *he's probably just gonna be one of those bullies that call me a f@g.* I thought. "Erm well my name is billy, and I'm a paperboy I like riding my bike and I love my dog." As the whole class clapped for him I heard a girl say. "Oo he's kinda cute I wonder if he's single" she said as she giggled. I decided to look up only to see it's the same boy from earlier. *wait a damn minute he's the bitch that through that goddamn newspaper at me. Why's he walking towards me?" I finally snap out of my thoughts as I heard him say to me.

325 words
First story I wrote so sorry if it's bad🥲

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