Brance: so this is love?

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Writers block sucks balls.     |

Bruce's pov:
I get up brush my teeth fix my bed get dressed eat breakfast and I'm off to school. This would be my routine everyday. And yet a new school I don't know what to do. I'm scared. New people, new friends, new school.
I can't disappoint my family tho. As I finish my breakfast my mother kisses me goodbye and I walk out the door. And go to my bike. I unlock the chain and start riding it to school. I see 4other kids. I go to bike up close to them they seem nice enough. I got to know there names, Finney, billy, griffin, and Robin.
Griffin and billy are friends even tho they seem a lot more close and Finney and Robin started dating this summer. There so cute together. We talked while we biked and went on our way to school. As we arrived we put our bikes on the rack and locked them and then we headed inside. I had no classes with anyone except for lunch. But one thing I realized was I had a class with Vance and that was math. I don't know who Vance is but Finney says he's mean. Tough blonde curly hair blue cold eyes.

I went to my locker to unlock it as I hear cheering and screams. I go to check what the ruckus was abt. When I saw a blonde boy on top of another boy beating the absolute shit out of him. *so this must be vance* I thought.
I looked at Vance and realized how beautiful he is. His blonde hair frames his face perfectly and even tho his eyes are icy cold blue there still beautiful. How can someone so beautiful be so deadly?
The bell rang and I made my way over to 1st period, math. With Vance.
" ok class today we have a new student joining us, please welcome bruce." The teacher said.
As I walked in all eyes were on me. I felt anxious and nervous. "Um hi my name is Bruce and I play baseba-" I was interrupted when Vance simply yelled out "NO ONE FUCKIN CARES STFU"

It kinda stung but I liked it.
I shut my mouth and went to. My seat which was right infront of Vance. Everyday Vance would pull my hair. Over. And over again. It started to get annoying. But I let him cuz I liked him."

"YOU LIKE WHO?" Finney Robin and griffin screamed.
"Shhh" I said
"You like vance? Vance hopper, pinball vance? The crazy ass bitch?" Robin said.
"Yea smth abt him draws me towards him" "from now on I'll try and get him to like me" I said as I left.
I went to go find Vance as I jumped on his back. "Heyyyy vanceee." I said. "Tch get the fuck off of me" vance said as he shoved me off of him. "I LOVEEE YOU VANCEE" I shouted as he walked away. The next day. Girls were surrounding vance, "VANCEEE I MADE YKU COOKIES!" I shouted as I ran towards him. "Get those tf away from me." He said disgusted.
"Js try one please" I said basically begging.
Vance put the cookie up to his mouth and tried it.
Only then to spit it out.
"Wtf was that? ARE YOU TRYNNA POISON ME YOU PUNK? " Vance said as he lifted me off the ground. Punching me.
"What? No I would never" I said.
He walked away and yet I still loved him and I wasn't bout to give up on him.

Days went by, and soon those days turned into weeks and then into months.

Months of trying to get him to like me back. "Bruce maybe it's time you give up on him?" Finney said. "I don't want you getting hurt" Robin said
"You deserve so much better cmon now love" griffin said.
"One day you'll get hurt it's best to move on" billy said.
I thought about it.
Vance stopped pulling my hair he started punching me.

After school ended and I was walking home. Vance came up to me. He kicked me. Over and over. "Get the fuck away from me" "JUST *punch* LEAVE *punch* ME *punch* ALONE *punch*
"But I love you?" I said smiling softly.
One last punch and I was knocked out.
The next day I went to go see Vance. Only to see him kissing another girl. My heart shattered.
Maybe this is what billy meant by getting my heart broken. "I really thought he liked me"
I ran away from Vance and the girl crying into Finneys arms. Not telling him anything js cried.

The next day I was silent. Not a single word escaped my throat. I saw Vance in the halls. I was trynna get by quietly but I fell. He looked over at me and I ran. "He looked confused"
The rest of the week I've been avoiding Vance over and over. I hated seeing his face. Watching him kiss that girl. Usually I would've went up to Vance randomly and kissed him. But I couldn't.

I ignored him until another dude came complete opposite of Vance kind and cute. I started talking to him and I think Vance noticed. A day later that
Dude stopped talking to me.
And that was when Vance came up to me. "Why aren't you talking to me anymore?" He said mad
I stayed silent. And shoved me into a locker.
"Huh why are you ignoring me?"
"Oh fuck off why would you care you have a gf leave me alone" I said annoyed. Avoiding all eye contact.
Vance then grabbed my face with his hand and forced me to look him right in his eye.

"What gf?"
"The one I saw you kissing at the stairwell"
"Plus why would you care you hate me"
"Just leave me alone"
I said as I left.
It's been a few days since the incident.
I decided I wanted to get a snack so I went to the grab n go.
Bad mistake cuz I totally forgot that Vance's pinball machine was there. I bought a drink and left little did I know some creepy dude was following me to.

I look over my shoulder and realize Vance is gone. I glance over my shoulder again and see a creepy dude follow me.
I start running until someone pulled me into an alley.
"Shh" I couldn't tell who it was. But whoever it was they smelt really good. They had my pinned to the wall with there hand covering my mouth and my face buried into there chest. The dude smelt like cigarettes, fire, and pine tree cologne or wtv idk.

As the creepy dude passed the alley way the dude let's me go and I went to thank him only to see its Vance hopper.
"Oh it's you" I say
"Mind you I js saved your life"
"Right thanks"
I said as I walked away. But he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. And I was pounding and wiggling myself out of his grip I gave up he was to strong.

He took me to his house sat me on his bed and wanted to talk.
"Why'd you ignore me"
"Because you don't even like me and I'm tired of even trying I loved you and yet you still don't seem to care plus you have a gf"
I said tears bout to fall.
"If I didn't like you back would you think I would go out of my way to ask why you ignored me,? Plus she came into me she kissed me first trust me I'm not interested"
"I guess not" I said chuckling.
He laid down on his bed eyes closed.
"Do you really like me tho or are you js playing me?" I said kinda sad.
His eyes shot open as he sat up wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down close into him. "Ofc I like you cherie, thank you for not giving up on me."

I chuckle as I bury my face into his chests breathing in his scent.I'm glad he's finally mine. I look up at him as he looks down. He grabs my cheeks with one hand and kisses me. So this is love huh?

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