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Song: Demolition Lovers - My Chemical Romance

Michelle grabbed the phone at the same time she received an email from the hospital. She prevented herself from looking at the results and after reading the part that said she had an appointment in two days, she turned to the way she had gone and walked back home.

Unable to stop smoking due to anxiety, she spent hours on her bed, trying to read, watch anime, or listen to music, avoiding concentrating on the body ache and headaches. It was already 3 PM, she hadn't eaten lunch or drunk her usual coffee. The stands of hair on the pillow were impossible to not notice when getting up for a shower.

"Fuck..." She murmured, feeling immense pain in her chest. "Fuck... Fuck... Fuck!" She screamed her soul out as she rushed to the bathroom, setting free bitter tears. A drawer was aggressively opened, and she felt struck by a lightning, her eyes analyzed the scissors and discovered her self-harmed arms, then herself through the mirror.

Michelle cleaned her tears, took the scissors, and cut all her hair. "Stupid pills!" She swept the floor, anticipating things she shouldn't in her mind, texted her dad with the coldest words («I have cancer.») and finally fell asleep, with a beanie covering her head.

Sweaty, in pain, cold and hot at the same time, Michelle woke up several hours later in the darkness of her room. She heard Sage's voice in the living room, talking with someone. After a while of arising against getting up, she came to the conscious that she to drink water or drink something. Feeling weaker than ever, she made it to the door, the intruder lights hurt her eyes.

"Michel... What... What have you done?" Cole was seated at the table next to Sage. His face was poor of the wounds Michelle had caused, switched by a choked expression like he had suffered a concussion.

"I cut my hair, Sage. It is falling." She smiled, unaware of the blood that had run from her nose during sleep, "Hi, Cole." walked to the table and sat next to him. "I've cancer."

Sage hurriedly ordered her boyfriend to grab a glass of hers as she approached her roommate to ask if the medication was taken and to check her nose and temperature. Cole was the pilar Sage supported at that moment, he was the reason she kept strong and didn't break into tears. He helped her take care of Michelle, without making any questions, serving the food, preparing tea, and enough blankets on her bed as Sage laid cold towels on her hot forehead.

A while after he left, Michelle threw up the little of the dinner she had and fell asleep with a fever.

Wednesday, sixteen to seven pm. Sage and Michelle received the news that the chemotherapy wasn't working, on the contrary, the cancer cells had increased.

"Which means we need another treatment plan." Dr. Paul explained Michelle was going to start intensive chemotherapy. "This requires isolation units, Miss Kellet." He took a couple of papers and delivered to her. "We start tomorrow morning."

"Thanks." Michelle was getting up but was immediately pulled down by Sage's hand.

"Isolation units?"

"Because leukemia treatment attacks the immune system, patients are often isolated in personal rooms."

Michelle took Sage's wrist, thanked the doctor again, who wished strength, and left. Their fingers interlaced on the way to the exit, Sage squeezed Michelle's hand, holding to no break in front of her.

"Let me take you somewhere," Michelle said, looking up to the moon.

"Where to?"

"You'll see later."

Sharing an earphone, they went to the subways and walked a few meters.

"Why are we on the beach in the middle of January?" Sage looked at Michelle rubbing her hands on her arms.

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