part 15

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ignore mistakes


silence may seem to be one of the greatest things for most of the people as it somehow brings comfort for some but it is also an unsettling and uncomfortable feelings for many others .

the halls of the first floor were silent that reminded the seven fearsome boys of their nightmares ,the dark halls had no sound or wind present ,it was uncomfortable silence that can create a havoc even for calmer minds ,slowly and carefully the boys were stepping through the hall ,dread was filling through their bodies whenever there would even a small noise from the creaking wood they stepped on,it was an awful feeling for them.

currently the boys didn't had any sort of plan regarding what they have to do ,they just followed taehyung who was trying his hardest to peep through or bump into some spirits so he can talk to them ,he knew there may not be nicer spirits but it was worth a shot, his hope was slowly fading and concern grew with in him as he couldn't find any of them not even that little boy tannie.

he was getting frustrated though he can't lose his cool or his friends will be worried and that is the last thing he ever want to happened ,with that thought in mind he moved forward a bit more as he scanned the unusual paintings on the walls ,the paintings gave him chills through his body ,he felt a if these painting were staring at his soul, he shrugged off that feeling and moved forward but instantly halted his steps as he faced two big doors on either side of the hall ,his friends who were right behind him bickering with each other bummed into his back making taehyung roll his eyes at their clumsiness,

they all stopped and scanned the big doors that were beautifully carved designed and slitting golden touch was there giving them enchanted look, they had golden lion head attached in the middle of them giving it a bossy or rich kind of vibe ,if you know what I mean.

Taehyung however was conflicted in choosing which one to go in first ,he had this dread feeling that they were being watched so as he was thinking from the side of his eyes he caught a glimpse of a shadow ,he jerked his head towards that direction but that shadow disappeared in a quick movement ,it would've been hard to even capture it if Taehyung wasn't paying close attention to his surroundings like his friends who were practically now having a debate that a glint of gold on the doors were actual gold or not ,he didn't tell his friends about it as he thought may be he was hallucinating

boy he might be wrong ..

shaking his head in disbelief he called out his friends trying to gain their attention which he successfully did , "guys quit fooling around which way you think we should go first?" he uttered as he place his delicate hand on the right door in the hall ,touching the lion head as he felt the rough texture of the door through his slender fingers ,one thing he noticed that there was fresh smell of wet wood in the air as if the door were just made and placed there but they were way old from the looks, suspicious .

"just push anyone of them and be done ,i just really wanna get out this place" jin said his voice hushed glancing his surronding ,he was really scared not only for himself but for the boys too, namjoon noticed his pale face scooting closer as he patted his elders back giving him a dimple smile as to assure him silently that they will be fine .

"hyung its okey we all are here with you ,now come on we don't have time to say lovey dovey stuff to each other and cry for help " ..Jungkook huffed but sheepishly smiled seeing jin's glare towards him,who sighed and nodded his head agreeing with the younger ,the youngers may seem all playful and bicker with each other all the time but they were more matured and thoughtful which made the hyungs proud of them secretly .

"how about we split up just like in the movies.." jimin spoke excitedly ,he wanna try things just like in the movies people split up when they are in haunted house .

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