part 7

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hello lovely people
sorry for mistakes


feeling utterly discomfort and anxious the boys  and other students followed the creepy smiling man known as Dr.Kim through the narrow path leading inside the forest .

the only sounds were of their foot steps making contact with muddy ground and few owling and howling could be heard at distant forest of animals or creatures they couldn't make out.

the students only followed the owner of the hotel like lost puppies ,the two  teachers also trailed behind them feeling odd and out of place .

taehyung ,who was walking silently with his brothers ,he was clutching on yoongi's hand tightly looking at the dark forest ,he wasn't scared but rather uncomfortable ,he was having negative feeling about all of this trip but as usual he just shrugged it off.

he felt a cold gust  of wind running through his body sending goosebumps all over ,he quickly looked at his right side eyes scanning here and there to the source of it, it was not a wind for sure because not a single student was bothered neither a leaf shock from it , feeling as if he was being watched he narrowed his  eyes towards the bushes the ruffled a bit .

taking a step forward towards the bush he again felt his head fuzzy and foggy ,shiver felt through his body as he could see a small red  orbs pricing through him with a gaze making him gulp visibly taking more steps forward ,he felt burden a pull towards those eyes that were glowing more as he took steps closer to it.

but before he could one more steps his hand was tugged making him yelp surprise snapping his head towards the source with wide eyes .

he released a sigh of relief seeing it was only yoongi who was looking at him worriedly, taehyung put a hand on his chest to ease his racing heart then squeezing yoongi's hand assuring the elder that he was fine ,knowing well the other won't utter a single word until he explain himself which he was always glad and thankful for .

" sorry hyung i got distracted.." taehyung voiced out realizing they were the only one left behind and the group and students and members were far away in the woods.

" saw something again didn't you?.."yoongi frowned clearly worried as his voice was hushed as if he was rather asking himself then taehyung.

the little one smiled seeing his hyung tighten his hold around his arm and looking at the muddy ground lost in thoughts.
one thing about his hyung is that he would start thinking deeply about the younger one's worries and scold himself for doing nothing to take it away .

he was unable to express his feelings but the younger could see through him and so Taehyung slightly tugged the elder before bring him into his embrace ,he buried his face in the crock of his brothers neck who relaxed a bit.

"why are you  the one hugging me kid ? should be me ....i should be the one to take your problem away.....i wish i was the one facing your nightmare...."
yoongi hugged his little brother back ,he was still disappointed that he was unable to do anything to take the younger out of the mess he was in ,he wanted to always protect him and hid this little fluff ball in his pocket away from the horror the boy faces .

the younger chuckled before playfully bit yoongi on his broad  shoulder who hissed in response.
"don't think like that my kitty!! ...i told you i am fine because i have you all ....its just i always get surprised seeing these don't ever blame yourself because its just with me from birth which neither you or I can do anything about don't say that my kitty hyungie!.."

yoongie nodded a bit unsatisfied
"so ...what did you saw this time?.."
the elder asked rubbing soothing circles on the little one's back who smiled at his gesture .

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