part 16

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hell broke lose upon the boys ,panic rose through them hearing the screams that came from down stairs ,they knew every one was now in panicking because as it seems another tragic death might have happened .

the target may have been another student or may be a teacher they can't tell ,the boys minds where hazy unable to process what to do.

it all felt so unreal but so damn true, a sniff broke Taehyung from his thoughts ,he glanced at jimin with shaky eyes who had his hand pressed against his mouth ,his eyes wide open in horror ,he was trying his best to muffle his sound ,it was too much to take.

Taehyung sighed ,he blinked his eyes to stop his tears flowing ,he can't lose his dimoure ,he knows right now he was been a bit selfish as he thanked God they weren't the one of target ,but he can't help it he didn't want himself and his friend going through the same  fate as that student, so they need to hurry .

Taehyung silently step towards jimin giving him a side hug and rubbed his back to calm his best friend down, he glanced at others seeing how yoongie he held jungkook hand who was holding jhope shaky hands ,namjoon on the other hand banged on the closed door and jin gather himself and helped namjoon pushing the door  but to their dismay the door didn't budge .

frustrated namjoon kicked the door cursing looking back at others with hopeless eyes, "...i guess we are stuck here " he said placing his hand on his hips looking for something that coukd help them  to break through this door .

"yeah no shit we haven't been stuck before .." yoongie huffed while namjoon rolled his eyes at him.

"alright lets look for something in this room may be we can get our hands on something useful " Taehyung said nodded his head towards jimin and started to search the room ,the others also busied themselves as well.

as they search through the room ,jope and jungkook search through the closet finding kids adorable clothes they were in pastel colors but there was this fresh smell of daises coming from the back of the stacked clothes on the other hand yoongie and jimin were looking through the toys heap ,one thing for sure both were terrified from the smiling dolls that would make sounds when ever they were touched ,jin and namjoon look through the bed area in hope to find something .

all them searched in hope to find something ,but taehyung he stood in the middle of the room like a statue ,he had this awful feeling again like they were being watched and there was uncomfortable aura around that was giving him headache.

a gash of cold air tickled him on his neck making him jerk his head behind but there was no one silence filling around him ,he couldn't listen to his friends voices as they search through and talk about some things from here and there , his heart beat was started to quicken his eyes focused on the door ,from the bottom he could see little dim light shining through the door calling out to him ,his sense of thinking were started to get blocked as he stepped towards the door without ,he couldn't hear the distant sounds of his friends that called his name .

he was in a complete focused towards the door,his eyes lost focus and all of a sudden from the bottom of the door he could see the smoke sweeping inside the room filled with wet wooden mist that he smelled before hitting his nostrils ,the smoke got bigger and bigger started to form face that was almost resembling taehyung him self ,the face smiled at him as it reached forward a hand forming that cupped teahyung face from the side .

taehyung couldn't decipher anything ,he wanted to move as his heart was beating crazily and in the back of his mind he was shouting at himself to snap out ,but his body felt numb and was moving on its own ,the shadowy smoke face moved forward towards and to his horror that face started to change the smile became wider and wider showing sharp teeth , the eyes got bigger and bigger scaring teahyung to his core .

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