Part 17

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and there it was the same shadow that teahyung saw before but it was more of a smoke then a shadow ,in the middle of the smoke a space started to form that almost looked like the smoke was smiling ,may be it was .

"how wonderful you boys here pretend to be the hero trying to save people " there was this whispered again ,the boys had goosebumps hearing how the voice chuckled it was almost hypnotizing to the point they felt dizzy .

"what are you ?"jimin said his voice timid ,he was indeed scared of the smoke that was speaking which wasn't the site to see in their daily life ,but they have seen enough in an hour to believe every thing that was happening right now .

"a talking smoke haha....that is something I cant tell" the voice mocked chuckling as it started to spread in the entire room ,the boys backed away but the smoke only grew as it touched the boys feet .

"hmm....I'm sensing great energy from you boys boys may be useful then I thought " the voice spoke confusing and scaring them ,the way it talked and his words that he spoke it didn't looked welcoming at all .

"what do you mean?"jin voiced out but only heard a dark chuckled near his eyes .."my my aren't you boys too curios...hmm interesting " the smoke started to back away from the boys only to reach towards teahyung and started to form In front of him who tried to back away but the smoke was behind him as well .

"you little buddy ...your energy is different I see " there was curiosity lased on the voice ,there was a quick pause but then again it spoke making teahyung flinch at its statement ."you can come handy ...your soul had different energy will taste good~".

before the smoke could come more near to teahyung ,Jungkook came forward almost blocking teahyung from the smoke though it was useless but it gave teahyung a sense of relief that he was not alone.

"don't you dare to touch him!" Jungkook voice held authority ,one could clearly get an idea to stay away from just looking at the boy's deadly eyes and his posture ,there wasn't any fear in his eyes like before because now the smoke was crossing his limit ,it may scare them but when it comes to tae ...nah no one can touch that pure soul.

the smoke moved away as the other stepped forward as well ,just like Jungkook their wasn't any fear left in the eyes,they care for each other way too much to give a damn about the creepy smoke right In front of them .

"festy boys don't know what you are stepping against cause I-" the voice was cut in the middle as jhope grumbled losing his sunshine positive vibe from all the nonsense the smoke was speaking ,that wasn't even a person speaking making him more frustrated then he already was.

"SHUT THE HELL UP you talking creepy cigarette !!the heck we didn't even sign up for this shit !!all I wanted was a peaceful trip with my homies and here I am in this no excuse of a hotel with a counter that is deciding who the hell is next dead person !! we got almost killed in this room and now dealing with you dumb smoke! hurry and tell what you want or I'll find you and EAT YOU ALIVE!"

silence filled the room only huffed of breath were heard coming from jhope ,all the boys looked at him with wide mouth open processing his out burst,yoongi stepped next to the said male rubbing his back trying to calm the not often anger male .

"hoba try to take a deep breath...think of flowers i think you forgot about them in here " yoongie said while hobi looked at him and doing what the elder said.

"yeah i guess ..did i said too much ? sorry mister smoke"jhope huffed out a long breath making yoongie chuckled looking towards the smoke and he swears if it has a face it would clearly show how dumbfounded it was ,the silent was louder and spoke the truth.

"uhm i- yeah lets get to the point "the voice was now hesitated or even assumed while jhope just gave smile ,his sunshine smile making taehyung and others laughed at his crazy friend.

"as you boys already guessed that the counter shows how many deaths and it will increase in number after each thirty minute " the voice was now serious then before, heart felt a pang of pain knowing that there will be more deaths in every thirty minutes ,how miserable the boys felt and hopeless they were feeling was very much acceptable .

"but if you want to save your life and others i want to hand that kid to me ,the boy with unusual energy " a slight gasp escape taehyung's lips and tears weld up in his brown eyes ,he felt awful ,sad but somehow happy knowing the shadow wanted him in that order the life's of the students and his hyungs can be saved ,he was afraid yes but if it something that can help others be safe and away from this mess then he don't care about him ,one life would be enough rather then twenty three more.

"i will go-"

"we aren't letting teahyung go even so shut your trap ! we'll find another way out but not this" namjoon cut taehyung out who was about to argue but stopped seeing how his hyungs eyes were filled with tears yet he was boring daggers towards smoke that again moved a bit back, taehyung felt his heart sink seeing his hyung in this state ,he was the reason he knew but it made him smile that how they can never let him go even if cost everyone's life ........just like when they were little.

"well then you all have to die until i get my hands on him...but i won't make it simple "the voice spoke in venom as if it was offended by namjoon statement ,the boys saw the smoke was about to vanish but stopped at jimins words.

"why are you scared that we'll find you and destroy your plan that is why you are hiding behind using black magic and killing innocent ?" jimin smirked looking at his nails not giving attention the smoke that was coming back inside the room again

"i think who ever you are is scared that we can actually find a way out and destroy this place am i right?" Jungkook placed a hand on jimin shoulder with a same smirk present on his lips as jimin.

"scared!? why would i be scared of pathetic little excuse like you boys? "the voice sound more offended and frustrated ,as of cue yoongie smiled innocently adding more fuel to the fire.

"it seems like so .why don't you show your self huh? you are just scared of mare kids that they would kick your butt and escape with everyone... "

that was the thing the boys want ,they were easily trying to trap the person behind the façade smoke to reveal something for them to use as a tool and get the hell out of here,and it seems like the luck was one their side .

"you boys think very highly of your self ...alright then ill give a challenge to find me and if you did you can leave unharmed "

hearing that the boys could feel that body at ease but their heart were tensed knowing well what they were about to step in something that may or may not make them regret.

"but if not then you'll hand me that kid" the voice mocked but the boys had other plans ,they would never hand over taehyung even over their dead body.

"but before accepting this challenge stop the counter .....what is the challenge ? "taehyung spoke confident lased in his voice ,if his hyungs are willing to risk every thing ,then he would too risk every thing ,he won't back down if he want to save others ...he'll have to do it ,he wanted the counter to stop not wanted any other body lying life less In front of them .

"alright i will stop the counter because i only need you now if you accept the challenge .....there will be seven task in this challenge ,each task will be different and in the last one you'll find me and a way to get out ...its simple and easy so what you say boy? don't worry i am man of words.."

seven task ...taehyung felt as it was a trap but he have no choice when he saw the counter stopped ,he glanced at his friends who gave him worried look but nodded their head in assurance...they hope they would make through it all....

if they knew...

"challenge accepted bring it on! "


im sorry this book is taking different turns but i have great plots in mind so please bear with it .😅

love you all 😘😘

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