1 Year Later

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A s h t o n 's P o V

Chelsea was my only friend, I could tell her everything and anything. She was the first girl I fell in love with but she broke my heart. Of all the people to fall in love with, she chose my evil step-brother. Except the way he spoke about Chelsea, the way he looked at her, it was something I had never seen in him before.

One day he came home, slamming the door and storming up the stairs. I heard him so big into his pillow in the other room.
'Luke, um, are you alright?' He just continued sobbing.
'Luke?' I sat on the bed next to him and tapped his back. I had never been this close to Luke before.
'S-she's pregnant,' he mumbled.
'What?' I was quite shocked, more to the fact Luke was crying. He should be happy.
'I-I told her I didn't want the baby and we shouted and arguing and,' he couldn't carry on his sons were to thick.
'How could you say that to her?' I had my own tears forming now. He looked up, his face full of guilt. I stormed out the house and made my way to Chelsea's. When I knocked she opened the door a crack and flashed me a devastating smile. Her cheeks were stained from tears and her eyes bloodshot. She let me in and I wrapped her in a tight hug.

I promised that I would come to see her the next day. When I knocked on her door, there was no answer. I carried on banging but still no answer. I knew she was home. She had checked I was still coming not so long ago. I wandered around the side of the house and up to thee bedroom window. The window was left open so I crawled through and started calling her name.
'Chelsea?' I heard the faint sound of water running and rushed to the bathroom.
'Chels?'still no answer. We were both very open with each other so I gently pushed the door open. That's when I saw her.

The bath water was red and she was lying there. Lifeless. I dropped to the floor, sobbing. I could tell she was dead. There was no way she was alive. Not possible. She had clearly been in the water for a while, her fingers were all wrinkled. I called for an ambulance anyway. I then called Luke. She was declared dead at 12:30 pm April 20th. Luke got there when the ambulance was leaving, but he was to late. Our loud, bubbly Chelsea was gone. It hit Luke hard. The only time he left his room was when we were planning the funeral. She got a bright colourful coffin and we asked if everyone would dress the same. We wanted it to be a celebration of her life. All she did was struggle. It was time to set her free. The whole church was full of people dressed in the most colourful items of clothing they had. Everyone sobbed the whole way though. Luke left right after his speech.
'I miss Chelsea like no other. She was everything to me and it's my fault she's here today. I said some stupid things that I regret more than any other thing ever in my life. What's worse is she was carrying my baby. We should have been a family and we will, one day,'

Then it was my turn I was already chocking on sobs.
'So, Chelsea. My beautiful, amazing Chelsea. This isn't the end for you my sweet girl. This is a new beginning, perhaps you will be happier up there, just don't forget us, please? You were the only thing in my life that was special. We were loners together, we were the best of friends. When I saw you in that bath tub it was like my life had ended to. I'm sorry I couldn't save you but in a way i think I did,' I sat down again smiling through the tears.

Watching the curtains close was the worst part. It was like saying goodbye forever. I know that one day I will see her do that crooked smile thing she would do. If she truly smiled that is. She and Luke had the same smile, come to think of it. Sort of lop-sided. Cute all the same, though. After the wake we made our way to the extremely large house we owned. I remember her reaction when she first saw it. She never had an easy life.
I just wish there was something I could have done.

When we entered the house it was quiet. Dead quiet. My mum made her way to the kitchen first. Her screams ran through the entire house. I rushed in to see what was going on, Luke's dad close behind. We saw Luke lying on the floor, knife in his hand, dripping on blood. Beside him was a note. I grabbed it and read it aloud, meanwhile my mum was calling an ambulance.

Dear family,
I couldn't live without her. It was all my fault and I can't ever apologise. I need to be with her and our baby. It couldn't end like that. I love you all and I'm sorry. Sorry for everything.

I let the tears stain the paper and stared at Luke's limp body once more. In a strange way, I was happy. Not that he was dead. That he was with the one his loves. They can finally be a family. When the ambulance arrived Luke was also declared dead. I watched them take him away. They are gone. I'm alone. That's always been me. Except Chelsea was alone to. Up there wherever she is. That's when I smiled. I picked up my phone and looked at my home screen of the three of us smiling.

That brings me to today. 1 year since I lost them both. I sat beside their graves which were next to one another telling them about my day and how much I loved and missed them. I felt closer to them this way. I leaned over to Chelsea's grave stone tracing the writing and gently kissing her name.
'Chelsea brooks 1995-2015
Beautiful friend, girlfriend, mother and daughter.
Missed for eternity and beyond'

Then I patted Luke's stone.

'Luke Hemmings 1995-2015

Beloved son, brother, boyfriend, father and son. Your family misses you every single day and always will. Have fun in the clouds sweet boy'

The regular tears trickled down my cheeks as I reached for my book. It was Chelsea's favourite and I new she would love me reading it to her. It was 'perks of being a wallflower' she told me the quotes really related to her in that story. Each line brought back every single memory of her. I finished very quickly as I had already read it over 100 times. So I decided to draw for her. She was an extraordinary artist. I had kept all her paintings and either framed them or kept the very safe. I flick through them nearly every night. I ended up drawing the two birds that were sat up in the tree staring at me. They always sat together whenever I came her.
'Hi guys,' I smiled. It almost felt like they smiled back. Chelsea and Luke. I write under my drawing. After that I packed up my stuff and waved goodbye. Not a real goodbye, more like see you later.


Yeah so I felt like writing another part to this from Ashton's PoV so here you go. I probably got the dates wrong for the 'grave stones' but oh well I'm tired and I wrote this at like 3 in the morning. So please excuse and typos or shitty material. I wrote over 1000 words holy shit. You better enjoy it or I will kill yo. Bye bye now-Aly

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