12. In another life

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"That's it for us then?" Y/N spoke, making her way next to silver. She made her way to the second rope tying the skiff down and undid it.

They were trying off a long boat to travel on.

Silver smiled sadly towards her.
"I don' suppose you'd rather st-"

Morph babbled next to them.
"Morphy! We gotta make tracks" he was cut off as he playfully scolded morph.

"You two never quit, do you?"

Y/N shot up. Her and silvers head turning to see Jim leaning up against the mast.
They both chuckled nervously.

"Ah jimbo! We just just- merely checking to make sure our last longboat was safe and secure" Silver lied, tying the rope back on, but not properly.

"Hm" Jim hummed, approaching the two.

Silver looked up at him worried and Y/N sheepishly held her hands behind her back.

"Well-" Jim bent down, untying silvers poorly done Knott and securing it properly. "-that should hold it" he smirked, quickly glancing at Y/N.

Silver chuckled, now standing up as well. "I taught ye to well"

Jim gave him a look.

"Now if ye don't mind, we'd just as soon avoid prison. Y/N here, shes a free spirit! And morph? Being in a cage will break his heart!"
Morph flew around hers and Silvers head, cooing.

Jim looked sad as he looked up at Silver.

But once silver smiled softly so did Jim, he pulled down the lever, allowing the bottom of the ship to open up.

Silver and Y/N smiled at him as Jim leaned down to untie the ropes.
"What say you ship out with us, lad? L/N, Hawkins and silver, full of ourselves and no ties to anyone!" Silver offered Jim, wrapping a hand around him as morph turned himself into a hat and placed himself over Jim's head.

"Y'know, when I got in this boat-" he pulled Morph off and tickled him until he tunred back into himself. "I would of taken you up on the offer in a second"

Jim turned away, looking out into the open sky. "But I met this old cyborg and his daughter, and they taught me that I could chart my own course..."

Silver and Y/N smiled proudly. "...that's what I'm gonna do"

"And what do you see off that bow o' yours?" Silver asked.

Jim turned back to face silver before looking directly at Y/N. "A future" he made it clear as he locked eyes with her boldly.

Y/N smiled as she looked back, but slowly her smile started to fade as Jim didn't stop staring at her, his smile only getting bigger.
"That is, if you come with" he offered his hand out to her.

Y/N looked between Jim, his hand and silver.
She began to sputter.
"What about- but I?- silver... the offer still stands?" She managed out, sighing disbelievingly.

"The offer still stands" he grinned, holding his hand higher for her to take.

Y/N was hesitant. She wasn't sure If she could depart from Silver, theft was all she knew she kinda forgot how to live normally.
"Jim, I have absolutely nothing to offer" Y/N spoke softly.

Silver waved her off like she had said something stupid.
"Go on Lass" he encouraged, nodding to Jim. "Make somethin' of yourself, this life wasn' for ye to live"

"But what about-" she turned to face Silver, but he stopped her.

"I'll be fine" he tried to not cry. "You were just a kid" he whispered. "You have time to make it right"

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