5. Canteen

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The next day, the ship docked on a nearby planet. Just for a quick maintenance and repair.

Y/N followed Silver out, standing by him as he helped make some scratches along the bottom of the boat fade.

Y/N was holding the polish for him as he kept dipping his fingers into it and gently rubbing it on the Boats 'scars' that's what Y/N liked to call them.

"Here lass.." Silver grunted, resting the cloth that he used to help buff it out over his shoulder.
he grunted as he searched his pockets for something.

He pulled out a few coins from his pocket and placed in Y/N hands.
"Go get yourself a little somethin', I expect we'll be here for a bit"

Y/N grinned happily as she placed the coins into her pocket and ran off to a food truck, there was one a little far off, just in front of a market.

"Now don' be going to far out! Don't want ye getting lost!"
He chuckled as Y/N just waved him off from behind her head.

She bought hot chips and a can of lemonade.

She ate the chips, standing there awkwardly before deciding to find Jim.

So she jogged back towards the ship, running around the side to find Jim.

He was helping Mr Arrow bring down some barrels, Y/N guessed they were gonna stock it back up with food or something.

"Hey!" She spoke loudly, running up to him and placing a hand on his shoulder.

Jim shrieked, as he turned, Y/N saw the sweat patches over his shirt and the droplets on his forehead.

"Sorry" she laughed and Jim smiled it off, using his shirt to wipe of his face. "Here, I got you a lemonade" she chucked the cold can towards him, he caught it swiftly.

"Hey thanks" he nodded to her with a smile, opening the can and gulping it down. Y/N cocked her brow as she watched.

When he finished the can, he wiped his mouth with his sleeve and looked back at Y/N.
"...Do you Wanna go somewhere else?"

Y/N opened her mouth to reply until she jumped since someone called for Jim.

"Jimbo! Where are ya lad?" It was Silver.

"C'mon" Jim whisper shouted, grabbing Y/Ns wrist and running off, down into the market where they couldn't be seen.

They giggled as they ran, but they were unsuccessful as Silver had just caught them run into the market before disappearing.
He yelled out at them angrily, making the two burst out in laughter as they hid behind a stall.


"A roller skating rink!" Jim pointed it towards a building with a picture of a roller skate. It had only one big wheel on it.

They had strode further down passed the market, into a town now.

Y/N didn't react, just stared between Jim and the building blankly.

"Oh c'mon! You've never been to a rink before?!" He spoke excitedly, mixed with disbelief.

"Once before when- only once but never enough to learn how to actually skate" Y/N shrugged.

"You can make and use your own rocket boots and fly a hundred meters into the air but can't roll around on wheels?!" He grinned teasingly.

Y/N just glared at him as he rolled his eyes playfully.
"I'll teach you" he laughed, grabbing her hand again and dragging her into the building.

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