10. Small universe

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Jim was leaning on the bridge the 'window' of Bens place, stressfully looking out with his hand in his hair.

Surely if Y/N admitted to not wanting to kill him, she's not that bad. Right?

He couldn't stop thinking about her and he hated himself for it. She betrayed him. Used him for the map. So why was he still clinging onto this hope that they'd some how work it out?

That didn't mean that he wasn't still very mad at her.

"Jim, any thoughts at all?" Ben whispered to Jim. Jim had met Ben when scouting through the forest and was now hiding in his "house"

He looked up to the R.L.S. "With out the map we're dead..." he looked down to the pirates camp. "If we try to leave we're dead. If we stay here..."

"We're dead! We're dead we're dead!" Morph chanted cheerfully as Jim rubbed his chin.
Her sighed, turning back around and leaning on the wall defeatedly.

Y/N would know what to do.

He pinched himself angrily.

Y/N is the bad guy!

"UGH" Jim groaned loudly, dropping his head defeatedly on the ledge again, Delbert looked at him in concern.

Ben was watching Jim happily. "Well uh, I think Jimmy could use a little quite time" Ben chuckled nervously. "So I'll just slip out the back door!"

"Not everyone has a psycho pirate ex!" Ben continued to chuckle, walking towards the back door as Jim was registering what he said and Delbert scolding Ben for the hundredth time.

"Back door?!" He whirled his head around to Ben who was climbing down into a trapdoor like thing.

"Yeah! I get this delightful breeze though..." Jim rushed over and helped him tune the door around. "Which I think is important because ventilation amongst friends..." Ben babbled on, Jim tuned him out as he awed at the mechanics spiralling down.

"What is all this stuff...?"

"You mean the miles and miles of machinery that run through the entire course of this planet?! Not a clue!" Ben answered.

"Hey doc doc! I think I found a way out of here!" Jim yelled towards him, slowly climbing his way over the sphere.

"No no Jim wait!" Delbert called from Amelia who was injured form the crash. "The captain ordered us to stay together"

Jim paused as he thought about it. "Well what's the point of living if you never try?"

"... have you lost your mind too?" Delbert shrieked.

Jim shook his head, shaking it off. "I'll be back" he jumped in without hesitation.

"Cannonball...!" Ben yelled after him.

"Woof" Delbert sighed tiredly.


You're family, I wonder what they'd think of you now.

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