6. Guilt

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Silver, Jim and Y/N all helped to pull the skifs off the ropes and down into the sky.

Silver had ordered Jim to Jump to the other end to release the ropes on that side as Y/N stayed back to quickly throw the ropes inside the boat.

Once that was done, Y/N quickly jumped to Jims end, standing beside them as the life boat began to lower. Silver saluted them off as he stood inside it.

As Silver flew down, Jim began to frown as Y/N grinned widely.
"C'mon!" She gripped his arm excitedly before jumping down from the ship.

Jim's jaw dropped, thinking Y/N jumped into nothing.
But after peering over, he saw that Silver hadn't actually left, instead waiting for Jim to jump in as well.

Y/N was already sat, tilting her head back up grinning at Jim, waiting for him to jump in as well.
He chuckled happily, not waisting another second to join them.

As Jim jumped, silver slightly caught him, making sure he didn't fall into the boat the wrong way.

Y/N sat in the front of the two, her back facing them as she awaited for the boat to start.

Jim sat by Silver as he explained how to work the boat. However he already knew how.

In the middle of Silver explaining it Jim pulled a lever, pushed a few buttons, quickly wrapped a hand around Y/Ns waist, pulling her into his lap before. She yelped in shock.


Y/N head shot as her eyes widened in realisation. "Oh no"

Luckily, no one had paid any mind and without warning, Jim pulled back the handle and began to fly the skiff off.

Silver yelped from shock as Y/N grinned and flung her hair out from her face.
Jim's chest stopped her from falling to the back of the boat, Silver had to quickly latch his hand onto the back for support.

Jim immediately flew the skiff towards a shooting star, flying the boat alongside it.
Y/N was looking at in in awe, Jim knew all to well she wanted more than anything to touch it.

So Jim easily manoeuvred the skiff into the trail the star was leaving behind, Y/N gasped in awe As Silver continued to Yelp. Jim was shaking off all kids of tricks, making the boat to loops and circles around.

Y/N had thrown her hands into the air giddily, Jim's hand still wrapped around her waist, he tightened his grip a bit more.

Jim dived the boat back down the trail, Making Y/N turn her face into his chest to avoid the stardust flying in her face.

Once Jim pulled them out of the shooting star, he bit his bottom lip excitedly as he began to fly them somewhere else.


Jim and Silver both each pulled on a rope to lift the skiff back up into the ship. Y/N just sat there and looked pretty, laughing as Jim and Silver tried to make each-other trip.

"You having a little trouble there?" Jim teased as Silver had tripped.

"Oh get away from me!" Silver laughed back.

Y/N had now leaned over the edge, shaking her head rapidly to shake off any extra stardust.

"Oh Jimbo! If I could manoeuvre a skiff like that when I was your age, they'd be bowing in the streets as I walked by today" Silver spoke, letting himself sit back down with a fall. The boat rocked, making Y/N lose her balance and catch onto the ledge.

"I don't know" Jim grunted, tying the rope back up against the boat. "They weren't exactly singing my praises when I left home" Jim admitted, falling back down like Silver had next to Y/N.
"But I'm gonna change all that" he spoke determinedly.

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