3. The same

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The two hadn't spoke much in the hour apart from the start when Y/N had first came.

It wasn't necessarily an awkward silence, more like the two were just enjoying some peace and quiet despite the many 'exciting things' that had taken place earlier.
And they were doing it all within each other's presence, which was nice.

Until Jim decided to break it. "I didn't thank you earlier for- uh, y'know, so-"

Y/N stopped mopping, resting her hands upon it as she smiled softly back up at Jim.

Jim rubbed his neck bashfully, finally looking up to meet her eye.
"-thanks, for trying to help me out"

"Hey it's no problem" Y/N waved off, mopping again before stopping after two. "Do you get into trouble like that back on monstressor?"

Jim paused for a moment In bafflement before
realising that he had in fact mentioned he was from monstressor.
He choked at himself with a scoffs turning his attention back to mopping. "You have no idea"

Y/N oohed in amusement. "Please do tell" she grinned back at him.

"Well, I uh- almost got taken to juvenile haul"

Y/N face scrunched in slight shock. "What did you do?!"

"I flew my surfer into somewhere I shouldn't have been" he chuckled at himself in slight embarrassment.

"That's all? That's bad enough enough to be put in juvenile haul?"

"Well, it wasn't my first time"

"Ohh" Y/N nodded in understanding. It was silent again for a few moments.

"What about you, where're you from?"

"I'm... not from anywhere really. Me and Silver travel all over so we don't have a place we call home" Y/N explained, Jim nodded, growing more curious by the second. "But I love it actually, I can't imagine a better life"

"So, Is... Silver your dad?"

Y/N paused. "I'm really conflicted with how I should feel about that"

Jim chuckled with a playful eye roll. "Don't worry, you look nothing like him. that's why I'm asking"

Y/N gave him a disbelieving look, causing Jim to roll his eyes again.
Y/N giggled at his response.
"He adopted me" she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear awkwardly. It wasn't technically a lie, but she didn't want to make things awkward with the truth.

"So.. how long have you and him been, together?"
He was careful with his choice of words, he didn't want to be direct in case it was a soft spot.

"Uhh-"  Y/N thought for a moment, her eyes looking up, "since I was eight so about.. nine years?"

Jim hummed. "So you guys are pretty close then?"

Y/N grinned widely as she nodded. 

Morph, who had turned himself into a smaller mop, flew up from the ground in between Jim and Y/N. He turned back into his normal self, burping out bubbles.

Jim and Y/N both grinned at him, leaning their heads in the top of their mops.
"Well this has been a fun day! Huh?" Y/N asked morph who grinned widely.

"Yeah" Jim laughed, joining in. "Making new friends! Like that spider psycho" Jim added, wiggling his fingers at morph.

Morph turned himself into scroop. "Spider psycho! Spider psycho!"

"A little uglier" Y/N grinned, looking between morph and Jim.

Morph laughed maniacally, one eye bigger than the other.

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