2. Plan

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At least an hour later, Y/N had walked up on deck to clear a few dishes off the side of the boat before bringing it back to Silver to wash.

She and Jim made eye contact so Y/N waved at him as he just nodded in return.

Then she turned off, dumping all the food scraps out. Jim kept his gaze fixated on her. So much so he didn't notice the large alien working by.

"Watch it twerp!"
The sale in pushed him back.

Jim fell back with shock before glaring at the back of its head and noticing more crew members whispering nearby.
He eyed them suspiciously.

The three crew members caught him staring, and were quickly to address it.
"What're you looking at weirdo?"

The man's head then crawled off his torso onto the barrel he was once leaning on.
"Yeah, weirdo!" The belly part of the man spoke, revealing it was actually two different aliens.

Upon hearing the whispering stop, Y/N looked up from her plates to the crew. Only to follow their gaze and see they were talking to Jim.

Fuck. Jim was already suspicious and this certainly wouldn't help to keep him off their backs.

Jim turned away from the crew as he heard hissing above him, a lathe spider creature was climbing down towards him from the rigging.
"Cabin boys should learn to mind their own business" he hissed.

Jim smirked, glancing back at the crew before staring back up at Scroop.
"Why? You got something to hide bright eyes?"

Scroop was pissed. He grabbed Jim up from his collar and slowly held him up. "Maybe your ears don't work so well" he croaked into Jim's face.

Upon seeing how Scroop was handling Jim, Y/N placed the plates onto the deck before slowly approaching the scene.

Jim gagged, turning his face to the side. "Yeah" he scrunched his nose. "To bad my nose works just fine"

"Why you impudent little-" Scropp pinned Jim up onto the mast, He kicked his feet out as he held back Scroops claw near his neck.

The crew cheered before scroop, egging him on to hurt Jim harshly.
"Any last words cabin boy?" Scroop teased, holding hi cake up to Jim's chin as he lifted his head up to avoid it.

"Scroop" Y/N scolded boldly, her hand on her hip as she stood to the side.
"C'mon put him down." She nodded her head towards Jim.

"I was just about to" scroop smirked teasingly, holding his claw higher up to Jim's chin.

"The captain will have your neck if he's harmed. Don't be stupid"

Jim looked from Y/N to scroop anxiously.
Scroop only growled angrily but didn't drop Jim.

Until suddenly, Silver appeared out of no where and grabbed hold of Scroops wrist, pulling it away from Jim.

"Mr Scroop." Silver said teasingly, taking a bite of a the purp he held in his other hand. "You ever see what happens to a fresh Purp, when you squeeze real hard!" He twisted Scroops hand around, making him screech in pain, dropping Jim.

"What's All this then?!" Mr Arrow bellowed from above. Walking down onto the deck from the upper parts.

Y/N walked over to Jim and leaned down, offering her hand.
"You must have a death wish if your choosing to talk to scroop like that" she grinned with a scoff. Jim stared at her hand for a moment before grasping it and pulling himself up.
"You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" his voice came out sort of hoarse, he fixed his clothes around his neck. "Thanks"

"All good" Y/N replied, handing him back the mop he had dropped.

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