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Obviously you don't have to imagine it, but in case you are, that undertop is meant to be ruffled but I didn't know how to draw ruffled, and the jeans are black I just made it a little lighter so you could see the lines to separate the legs.


Get ready for some corny and gross and cringy pet names 🤮


It took awhile for before Y/N was settled in and becoming comfortable in the Inn, especially with the guilt she had for it being burnt down in the first place.

Turns out Y/N didn't have to worship Amelia to get on her good side, they had had a very long chat about it all and now had become very close.

Today, her boyfriend Jim was coming back from the academy where they were all setting up a party for his graduation.

Y/N set down some more desserts along with Sarah onto the displays, until Y/N felt Someone from behind wrap their arms around her torso and lift her into the air.
Y/N shrieked as her hands immediately sat on top of the hands around her.

Once her feet finally made contact with the ground again she turned around to punch her attacker, but Jim quickly snagged her wrist, grinning down at her before it could make contact with his face.

Y/N cringed in guilt before grinning happily up at Jim.
"Sorry.." she sighed.

"Nah, I love that your alert. What if I wasn't me? I'm gonna need you to punch anyone who shouldn't be touching you" he grinned, grabbing her other wrist and putting them over and around his shoulders.

Y/N rolled her eyes playfully as his hands sat on her waist, looking down at her lovingly with a grin.

"I missed you so much!" Y/N laughed, grinning excitedly up at him as she begun to hug him very tightly, also jumping in the spot.

He grinned down at her before nodding. "Hey gorgeous"

"Your mum and I made cookies and- OH!"
Y/Ns hands came back from around his neck before excitedly back at his chest. "Guess what Morph and I did to Ben while you were gone, we-"

She was cut off from talking as Jim had grown to impatient to wait any longer to kiss her.

The guests behind  playfully smirked at the scene making Y/N become embarrassed.

"Your mum is right there" Y/N said through gritted teeth, but she wasn't mad.

"She adores you-" Jim rolled his eyes happily "-us" he grabbed ahold of her hand and held it to his chest, the two smiled at each other adoringly. Sarah smiled fondly at them from the dessert table.
"And it's not my fault you can't take a hint when I want to kiss you"

Y/N rolled her eyes, about to reply before Delbert approached.

"So Jim! Has Y/N shown you her surprise?" Delbert asked excitedly, walking next to Sarah with Amelia, a hand around her waist.
Jim and Y/N turned away from each-other to face Delbert.

"I was just about to try the cookies-" Jim began with a grin before Delbert cut him off again.

"No no no! Not that one. The, bigger surprise" Delbert smiled, wiggling his eyebrows mockingly.

Jim turned back to Y/N as he cocked an eyebrow questionably, Y/N only grinned back giddily, now swinging their interlocked a hands.
"Remember how I told you I've been working on something huge?"

"..yeah...?" Jim stretched out with a grin as Y/N started to lead him to the back door.
Sarah, Delbert and Amelia followed behind.

"It's a very fine piece of work if I do say so myself" Amelia added from behind, smiling proudly between   Y/N and Delbert, Delbert nodded in agreement.

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