8. The truth

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Y/N was woken up by silver, shaking her lightly.
"Where's jimbo?" He whispered, nodding to Jims empty hammock.

Y/N shrugged, rubbing her eye tiredly. "Probably with morph" she yawned. "I heard 'em running around not to long ago"

"And why weren' you with them?"
When Y/N didn't answer he rolled his eyes, she was going with the plan to play dead.

"C'mon" he nodded for her to get out, so she did.

She quickly pulled on her boots, adjusted her shirt and followed after Silver.
He pulled a purp out from his pocket, rubbed it on his jacket and threw it back to Y/N. "Breakfast"
He lead her to the dining area, where most of the crew already was.

"Where sick of all this waiting!"

"There's only three of 'em left!"

"We are vrunting to move!"

Y/N walked off to a table and sat herself on top. Uninterested.

"We don't move till we got the treasure in hand!" Silver scolded them all.

"I say we kill 'em all now" scroop croaked with a smirk, presenting his claw proudly.

"I say what's t' say!" Silver yelled, grabbing Scroops face and pulling him back down.
"Disobey my orders again like that stunt you pulled with Mr Arrow any my daughter, so help me you'll be joining him!"
Silver threw scroop against the barrel of purps that sat not to far away my

"I'm on your side? Why'd you even try to kill me?"

Scroop eyed her angrily, hissing before looking between both Sikver and Y/N.

"Strong talk, but I know otherwise" scroop put his hand into the barrel, trying to reach for a purp.

"Spit it out" Y/N spat, pushing herself off the table to glare back at Scroop. Her arms crossed.

"It's that boy!" He hissed with a smug smirks. "Me thinks you have a soft spot for him" Scroop poked the purp, it's purple juices now leaking out. "The both of ye..." he glared from Y/N to Silver.

"How are we supposed to believe that you weren't close to swapping sides?" Scroop only glared at Y/N now who's arms were crossed as she glared back.

"So kill me?!" Y/N shrieked. Lifting up her a hand and gesturing to herself. "I'd die before I would make myself untrustworthy to-"
Her voice began to get louder, so did Scroops.

"I'd best believe it! With me own eyes I saw-"

"It was you guys who encouraged me to get close with him! Now you want to-"

Silvers gaze darkened with Scroops accusations and he was getting annoyed with the growing noise.
"Now mark me, the lot of ya!"

Y/N and Scroop became quiet, still annoyed with each-other as they turned to Silver. "We care about one t'ing and one t'ing only! Flints trove!" Silver reminded the crew.
"You'd think we'd risk it all for the sake of some nose wiping little whelp?!"

"What was it now? You've got the makings of greatness in ye!" Scroop clasped his hands together by his neck. "I'm gonna miss you!" He spoke in a higher pitched voice to mimic Y/N.

Y/N gritted her teeth and huffed, somewhat embarrassed. "It's doesn't take a lot to fool you does it?! You think I meant all that crap?! He's been pestering onnn to me for weeks about who knows what." Y/N said, dragging out her words to make it seem like she was tired of it. "The only talented thin about him is he knows how to use the map" Y/N lied, motioning with her hands as she exhaled.

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