7. In to deep

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Y/N was sitting in the Galley, peeling potatoes again as she waited for Silver, he was talking to Jim, in an attempt to cheer him up.

Once he finally came back Y/N stood up from her seat.
"Am I up now then?" Y/N grinned slightly. Silver shook his head.

Y/Ns face fell.

"Lass.." Silver began, sighing. He took off his hat and used a napkin to cool off his head.
"Maybe it's best if ye don't.." he took a seat across from her, he beckoned for her to sit back down but she didn't.

"Why? What's going on?"

"I uh- I'm gettin' the feelin' you're not actin' anymore" Silver spoke cautiously, trying to find the right words . "I think you feel more for Jimbo than you let on.."

Y/N scoffed. "I'm just good at selling it." She was quick to defend herself.
"Nothing, is going on"

"Lass..." he eyed her warningly as she began to strode off.
"If ye heard how he was talkin' about ya just now, askin' me how I felt abou' it and for me-"

"That! Was the plan, was it not?" Y/N interrupted firmly. Grasping the Hollister her dagger stayed in tightly.
"Is this because you're embarrassed that you got attached? Now you wanna try put it on me so you're not the one to blame?" She spat coldly.

Silver sighed at her tone, a little taken aback.
"Now here Lass, I'm only lookin' out for ya"

"Well I'm fine." She replied. "G'night"

Silver puffed out his cheeks and blew out, laying onto his back tiredly.


"Feeling better?"

Jim turned around from looking out as he leaned on the ledge, smiling as Y/N joined Jim.
"The best you can be y'know? after basically letting a man die"

Y/N rolled her eyes as Jim's 'joke', nudging him roughly.
"Things happen" Y/N shrugged. "We were all running around, all stressed, it's a miracle this ship still fuckin'... survived!" Y/N continued, gesturing to the ship.

Jim only hummed in response, still looking glum as he fiddled with his fingers and looked out.

Y/N pressed her lips together in thought. What more could she possibly say for Jim to no longer blame himself?
"Remember when you asked me where I was from? And I never really gave you a proper answer?" Y/N began, also looking out towards the stars .

Jim paused, confused as to why she was brining this up. "Yeah..? You said you and Silver travel all the time?"

"Well yeah, but before I met Silver I actually lived on Earth... With my family"

Jim's jaw dropped, he now turned to face her.
"You mean? When the planet.."

"Blew up? Yeah" Y/N chuckled with the shake of her head. "Thirty-thirty five. I was eight and walking with my dad around the market when we heard the first warning. Everyone had started to run, escape boats where docked around everywhere and people where piling in more than the boats could actually carry"

Jim nodded as he listened. He remembered learning about all this at school.

Y/N took a deep breath in before she continued, "My dad threw me in of them, told me he was going to find my mum and my twin siblings, bring them to the same life boat. But as you can imagine, it filled up quickly then it fled."

"I remember as we flew away, watching the planet burst into flames in different spots. It was really loud too, the ringing didn't leave my ears for like a whole week" she chuckled again sadly.

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